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Posts posted by Pete_Solihull

  1. Hey all - I'm very happy to inform everyone of some news that I received this morning from my visa agent. After waiting 180+ days, I have finally been granted a 190 visa.

    We have a wedding coming up in October (in Australia) and had already booked our flights (and obtained a tourist visa). We were hoping that our visa would be granted before this time, so we could use the holiday to validate our visa and do some serious research for housing, etc. I was starting to lose hope, but thankfully we can now move to the next stage and start planning our big move.

    I hope our positive news brings hope to everyone else who is still waiting. I will keep using this forum and try to follow everyone else's progress, but I wish everyone good luck with their applications.

    - Some stats for those who are interested - Application submitted 2nd March 2017, C/O contact 15th March 2017 and approved 31st August 2017.


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  2. 8 hours ago, Liz Nguyen said:

    Hey Pete,

    Someone just got a grant for quality assurance today and he lodged on 8th August, offshore to Adelaide. Is that the skill you are after? if yes, that is strange and 'unfair' as you said.


    Hi Liz,

    Yes, I'm an Quality Assurance Manager making an offshore 190 application, sponsored by SA and we want to head to Adelaide. We are close to moving into our 7th month of waiting, and cannot make any sense as to how someone else can be processed so much quicker than ourselves. You never know, our agent may have received an e-mail during the bank holiday and I could hear some good news on Tuesday morning (won't be holding my breath, but you never know).

    Thank you for keeping an eye out. I will of course keep everyone informed if I hear some positive news.




  3. 5 hours ago, Yikes2017 said:

    Oh my word guys. The day has come.  After nearly seven months of agonising waiting (close to break down at some stages!) our visa has finally been granted. I am in complete and utter shock. I hope with all my heart that you all receive the good news you are waiting for soon as I know from experience that it is so hard hearing if someone else's grant when you are still waiting for your own.  Much love and thanks for all the support and words of empathy of the past few months.  I will visit regularly to watch the rest come in ?

    Congratulations Yikes - your posts on this forum have been very useful. All the best with your move to Oz.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Yikes2017 said:

    I've done a bit of reading on this (borders website) and it seems to be all to do with each state filling their places and in order of which occupations they need the most. Aus allocate about 28,000 places to state nominated visas and each state fill them in priority order according to what they need most - not necessarily date order. @Pete_Solihull which state have you applied to? It may be that Adelaide need your occupation more than other states hence the reason why someone else with the same occ has been granted first? If you've applied to Adelaide too however, then that's that theory out!

    We have applied to SA and hope to move to Adelaide too. So yes, we are a bit puzzled why we are still waiting - I'm guessing that my application is in someone else's pile to process and Paul7 has just been lucky to be processed quicker than ourselves.

  5. I have visions that there is a desk in a office somewhere with a big pile of applications. New applications are plonked on top and instead of trying to get to the ones at the bottom, they are just picking the ones off the top.

    I'm guessing there is some logic behind their decisions, but also wonder if they need another Quality Assurance Manager <cough> <cough> to help improve their visa grant system. :)

    Hope (for all really) that we get to hear some good news soon.

    • Like 3
  6. 3 hours ago, Paul7 said:

    My God has answered my prayers!!! Got a grant today morning. Thank you so much guys for ur support.

    CODE: 139914

    VISA LODGED: 19/04/2017

    CO Contacted: 02/05/17 and 16/06/17

    GRANT: 17/08/17

    Excellent news - but also soo unfair!

    I have submitted a 190 visa for the same occuptation, but I submitted mine on the 2nd March! I had C/O contact 3 weeks later and submitted Police and Med checks on the 30th March and still waiting! I wish there was some logic that could be applied to understand when I can expect my visa to be approved.

    Please don't get me wrong, very happy that visas are being issued and other people are being successful - I guess I can just hope that my approval isn't too far behind your grant.

    • Like 1
  7. Hi all,

    I'm a long time follower, but first time poster (this is a great place to read about visa applications, but haven't really felt educated enough to join in the conversation).

    We submitted our 190 application at the start of March and know the frustration that many have expressed waiting for good news - today is our 145th day of waiting!

    I have a question about the processing time quoted by the DIBP. Does the 9 months processing time (for 75% of applications) apply to all persons in the system or is it only for new applications? 

    Thank you.


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