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Posts posted by Simon4124

  1. I have some questions related to Australian visa that I hope you could give me some advice. I am an international student and currently doing 4-year IT program. This is my third year of the program and also the work placement year which is part of the program. I am currently employed as an intern in an IT company. It has been six months interning at this place and the company has asked me if I am interested in taking a full-time opportunity after the internship. I am really excited about that but I have not told them about my decision as what I am concerning is that after the intern I have to go back to the university to finish up my final year and could not work full-time while I am in the semester (as stated in one of the student visa conditions) unless they offer me a part-time position (but I guess it would be hard as currently there is no part-time staff at my workplace).


    My question is what if my company are willing to sponsor me a working visa 457, am I able to take that and replace my student visa while I have not finished my bachelor degree (but eventually I will in any cases)? as apparently under working visa 457 I am allowed to study part-time and work full-time. I am just afraid as I have not finished the degree and have not get any official educational certificate yet, which could prevent me from applying this 457 visa (transitioning from student visa to working visa without completing the degree). I could not find any useful information related to my specific case online. I hope that if you know any information about my case and give me some advice, I truly appreciate that.

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