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Posts posted by lakshi

  1. 4 minutes ago, NorthernLights said:

    Wow, that's a big thing for a 17 year old. Are you moving from the uk? Is there no way you could stay and complete your A levels in the uk? Swapping schooling at 17 is not going to be easy.

    From your date of birth I think you'd be in year 12 this current academic year (runs Jan-dec). It is very common in private schools here to drop back a year, or even 2, so if your family are able to pay for your education, that would definitely be your best bet. I know it's hard dropping back but really, over half my sons class are over a year older than him, so you wouldn't be the odd one out. Also, the cutoff for age is end June so you'd be young in your year anyway.

    I'm not sure about university costs, but suspect you may have to pay as an international student, which can be astronomically expensive. Are your parents going to have PR? Can they finance your further education?


    Yes I am moving from the UK and we also have the choice of staying but it is better for us to move.And my parents are expecting to get the PR and it is a bit doubtful if they can fully support me at uni... but I guess i can get students loan or a scholarship.  

    But what do you think about the idea of an apprenticeship or an apprenticeship degree that I can take when I move there?


  2. My family is moving to Australia august/September 2017 to Queensland and I turned 17 last mach(2017). I am really confused about what year I would be there and how I am supposed to complete school and get into uni. Can Please someone help me? 



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