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Posts posted by neilpharm

  1. I think you still need to be assessed, my missus is dependent on me as the main applicant but still needs to sit an exam in the next month to be registered with the charter.  She has been working in the hospital for 10 years plus and i think she whizzed though some of practice questions rather quickly. The deadline for the next sitting is closing soon so you might want to consider registering...not cheap thought, i believe she was moaning it was something like AUD1,700   

    Thanks leeecat

    We're aiming for 2019 to be in Australia so aiming for the January sitting.

    Glad that your wife found it straightforward though, I'm dusting off my references!

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  2. Bit of a long overdue update...After registration I worked for 6 months in that post. I applied for a position in regional far north Queensland (FNQ) and gained sponsorship...which after a year my employer supported my application for permanent residency.

    I've now been in FNQ for 2 years - my previous advice still stands... regional/rural positions provide well paid opportunities - where Australian pharmacists would rather not be.

    City-based retail pharmacy has an oversupply...wages have deflated and I certainly would not choose to migrate here again if I were the sole breadwinner to support my family on a city pharmacist wage.

    Hospital pharmacy on the other hand has better remuneration. I have hosted some uni pharmacy students at my pharmacy and the feedback I've heard is that competition is fierce. Again rural opportunities would be the place I'd look.

    Overall I have no regrets for making the move or where my career is now and am very happy here in FNQ.


    Sent using Poms in Oz mobile app

    Hi there

    Just starting the APC process now.

    My wife is Aussie so going for a spouse visa.

    Do I need the APC to comment on my work experience? I figure as my visa isn't dependant on my registration it is needless.

    Also: any idea how to get a copy of the AMH?
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