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Posts posted by Jayjay

  1. Thank you Racmac and Badgrammars for your replies. It does seem like a nightmare unfortunately :/ I have many friends who immigrated to Australia through skill visa but their registration with their respective assessing authorities (i.e. engineers, architects, chefs) etc was much straightforward than lawyers'. 

    I too am planning to apply as a Barrister actually, but the bigger challenge is that I am not based in the UK. My only option is an online course... Let's see. 

  2. Dear all, 

    Thank you for your valuable input on the question posed at the very beginning of this thread. I have read every single reply and I still feel that the answer I am looking for is not clear so please bear with me. It would be great if anyone (especially if someone went through this experience before) can help clarify what a positive skill assessment would mean in practical terms. I am planning to apply to the LPAB of NSW. The immigration website gives no information about what counts as a positive skill assessment apart from stating that it requires a proof of admission. 

    1. Is it enough to have the assessments from Form 16 and 17 (academic and practical training assessment) for the purposes of visa 189? 

    2. If not, is "conditional admission" sufficient for visa purposes? 

    3. Otherwise, I cannot understand how one is required/expected to be *fully* admitted when an applicant actually intends to immigrate to Australia and upon arriving ((if one's application is successful)) complete the necessary steps/studies to sit for the necessary exams and take the oath.

    I have tried to read through every relevant official website and attachments (regulations, guidance, etc...) and cannot find a clear answer to my question. 

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