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Posts posted by RBaleiro

  1. Hello. I'm a Brazilian who just got a 190 visa for Victoria. I'm still living in São Paulo and I'm planning the move to Oz by the end of 2020 when I complete a research masters. I'll amost be 35 when that time comes. My field of study is Electrical/Electronics Engineering, but my work experience is as an electronics equipment trades worker.

    I see an opportunity to get a full scholarship for a PhD, and that would be 4 years of full time studies. By the time that finishes I would be 39/40. Is that too old to start in the Aussie workforce? Should I try to work before and get some experience in the industry before attempting to take a PhD? Is 35 already too old to start in the career? Im not so sure if I would like to be an scholar/professor, the idea of taking the PhD is more to have some resting moment in my life as I have been working and studying since my early days.

  2. Just check the TRA MSA guidelines and in case you have any questions you can ask directly to TRA as they usually answer in a very short time.

    Basically what you have to do is:

    1. Translating all your documents from the school (certificate + transcript)

    2. Translating all the experience documents (2 sets of documents for each year of work).

    3. Write the functions (and tools) you used to perform in the companies you worked. For that you can paraphrase what is written in the anzsco code 342313 (cannot be direct copy). Make that within the space of the template and try to fulfill it all.

    4. Write the employer template and collect their signature. If that is written in other language than english you need to translate as well. You can even use the same text or something very similar to the item "3".

    5. Pay and send all the documents thru email.

    The only issue is that the outcome usually comes 3 months later... so make sure you read several times the guidelines to send it without any mistake. English must be perfect as well.

  3. On 01/05/2017 at 7:27 AM, miya said:

    Hi Guys


    I have done back in 2014. At first they will ask theoretical questions what have you studied  and then about your work experience.  when they ask you about your experience they will determine how much theory you understood. Remember what ever you have submitted them in terms of your transcripts and certificate . they will review what units have you  covered  during your course. My technical interview was about 20 minutes.  If need any help call me or viber me on +679 9549031


    Hi Miya,

    Could you be more detailed in the whole process? Did u contact TRA first or VESSTASS? After you applied with the documents they came with this interview? Who conducted that? Thank you!



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