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Sophie Mathers

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Posts posted by Sophie Mathers

  1. Hi Everyone,

    Me and my husband have been in Australia for 12 years almost, we came over here backpacking when we were 18 and ended up staying and we are now citizens.  We have had a great time here but since we have started our own family (we have a 2 year old daughter and another one on the way) we have decided that it is time to go back home to the UK.  

    Does anyone know what position we will be in to buy a property or rent a house?  We obviously have no credit history there as we have been gone for so long.  

    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if you could share your story please?

    Thanks :)

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  2. Our first step is to find out what sort of job my husband could get over there. Secondly, what sort of position we would be in financially in terms of being able to rent or buy a property in the UK.  We didnt exactly move to Australia intentionally, we came on a one year working holiday visa when we were 18 and ended up staying.  Our time here has been very good, but not all good. We just feel that after 12  years of being here and still considering moving back to the UK shows that we arent happy here.  Especially now we are having children of our own.  I want them to grow up with their cousins and their grandparents.  And yes if worse case scenario we hate it back home, we can always move back to Australia.  

  3. I would love for my mother to come but she is a full time carer to her own mother and she cant afford to come over for an extended period.  We already have our Australian citizenship and have done for a few years now.  It definetly isnt just hormones as we keep coming back to the same conversation about moving home.  I honestly believe that if we was fully happy and content in Australia then we wouldnt even consider moving back.  Thank you for your reply.

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  4. Hi everyone, 

    I am really at a crossroads about what to do. Me and my husband moved to Australia 12 years ago and we have had a great time since being here.  We lived on the Sunny Gold Coast in QLD for 9 years and then moved to Sydney for my husbands work. Sydney is great and we love pretty much everything about it aside from the house prices and the traffic.  I felt very content here until my father passed away in the UK about 6 years ago, this made me miss home as I was unable to be there for my Mum, and I didnt like that I didnt get to spend precious time with my Dad before he passed.  

    We now have a 2 year old and I am expecting our second baby in October.  Since having my daughter I have become very homesick and wanted to move back home to be near all of our family and old friends.  I realise that the lifestyle and opportunities may not be as good in the UK, but to me at the moment, that shouldnt even come in to consideration when family and happiness is involved. My husband has a very good job here in Australia and our biggest concern is him not getting as good of a job in the UK, and the cost of us packing up and starting from scratch in the UK.

    I guess I am just wanting some friendly advice from others that may have been in the same position as me and what they did and whether they have regretted or love their decision.

    Thank you :)

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