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Posts posted by OJT

  1. I am in discussions with an employer right now and this news today has thrown the whole thing into disarray. I know he will not want to waste his time and money if I can only stay for 2 years (my job is now on the STSOL), however if I can't somehow apply for PR I'm not going to uproot the kids and give up a good job in the UK. I wonder if anyone has answers to these questions?:

    1) Am I right in assuming that there is no PR stream option with the new 2 year visa, only the 4 year? 

    2) Under the new scheme, how much does the now one and only on shore 457 renewal cost?

    3) Assuming all goes well, and we decide we want to stay, can I apply for a 186 visa onshore whilst still working under the second 457?

    My agent is also looking into these questions for me, but like most he is inundated at the moment so thought I'd ask you lovely people. I'm trying to stay positive and find other ways to make this work, but I'm not sure how Mr Turnbull thinks he'll get the "best and the brightest" of any industry if they can only stick around for a couple of years? I'm sure he thinks he knows what he's doing.


  2. I will be applying for a 457 visa shortly and have a question regarding the requirement for "adequate health insurance for the duration of your stay in Australia".

    My plan is get travel insurance to cover the first few weeks then register for Medicare. Has anyone had experience of this approach, or know anyone who has?. I don't see the point of getting private insurance when there is a reciprocal arrangement in place.


  3. We are moving to Melbourne on a 457 visa in July. 

    I have done extensive research on every aspect, however the one thing I cannot understand is how Dental Care is paid for? I have been looking at the various insurance providers and the extras they offer, however no one seems to offer anything like enough cover to actually pay for things like braces? (I read braces are about $6K, the most cover I can find is $1.2K Per Annum)?

    How is this handled?

    Also how does the LHC work? I was hoping to make do with Medicare but it seems we may have to get hospital cover anyway?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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