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Posts posted by Redtop1

  1. On 17/05/2019 at 07:46, s713 said:

    Been back 6 weeks and loving it, have crammed so much in. Joined the National Trust and done a bit of travelling, had forgotten how beautiful the countryside is, and there is so much of it. We can take the dogs everywhere, buses, trains, in pubs, it's brilliant. Lots of local walks too. The weather has been fairly kind, about 3 or 4 days non-stop rain, the rest OK. To be honest, it isn't the issue I thought it would be, we just dress accordingly, pooches included. It was 17 degrees the other day and I was sweating cobs, definitely a different heat! Not really applied for any jobs yet just easing back in, the job market looks fairly buoyant though. There is a sense of 'home' about it, it feels a bit more natural to be with similar people, I used to feel like a bit of a neanderthal at times in Oz, here I come across as a semi-intelligent northern bloke, which I am very happy with. All in all, we are 'stoked' at the moment.

    That’s great, just how we felt when we came back in August 2017, still loving it, really settled well in our new home.  Dogs love it, nice walks, beaches etc.  My husband’s first job didn’t happen, it fell through at the last minute, but that was okay as we are a bit older we factored in a year plus to get a job, plus we had purchased our house so we were committed to an area.  So it took a year and two months before he actually became employed, but he only has another 5 years or so to retirement.  We still have the ‘it’s good to be back’ feeling, we will go back to Australia for a holiday towards the end of 2020 to see friends and family, but enjoyed the experience of living in Australia but feel happier and more relaxed being back in the UK. 

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  2. I shipped my two miniature poodles from Adelaide to Heathrow beginning of August 2017.  My vet in Lewiston, put me in touch with a fabulous guy Ian Liddle of Animal Travel, his quote was competitive.  I felt we received a more personal service and nothing was too much trouble.  My dogs journey was a breeze, they overnighted in Dubai and then flew next day to Heathrow and arrived late evening, cleared customs and vet check and had a night in the kennels at the ARC and were ready for pick up the next morning.  They were totally unfazed by their experience.  Let me know if you want any further details.

  3. I asked my vet who he would use, he was an AQIS approved vet and also a dog breeder as well and often ships dogs.  He gave me a recommendation of a local guy in Adelaide who I used and had excellent service bringing our two dogs to the UK.  He was about the same price as Dogtainers and Jetpets, but didn’t feel we were just a number on their sales tally.  I wouldn’t have found out about him if I hadn’ asked my vet as he didn’t advertise or have a website and seemed to work mainly shipping for dog breeders.

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  4. When we register with a GP the receptionists were like a pair of Rottweilers!  We had to show ID we used UK driving licenses and also a utility bill we used our councilrates bill.  We were told that they don’t contact Australia for medical history, they said they would contact our previous UK doctors (11years since we left so old records!!).

     I obtained 6 months worth of prescription medication before leaving Australia because I didn’t know how long it would take for us to get our permanent house.  The receptionist also told us that the Nurse Practioner deals with the initial appointment and she would decide if we could make an appointment to see a GP.  After much discussion we got appointments with a GP, but on the morning of the appointment the surgery rang and cancelled them, they did offer an alternative in the week before Christmas a and we had a lot of trades people scheduled to work on our house.

    I have now been to the surgery and seen two different more pleasant and accommodating receptionists and arranged new appointments to see a GP.  So to date I haven’t seen a GP yet, but have received PAP test, Bowel Cancer Screening kit and Breast Screen appointment from the NHS.

    I know this doesn’t help your situation but it what I have found so far and reserve my judgement until I actually get to see a GP!

    So this is my experience thus far, I am in Somerset.

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  5. Hi,

    We applied for our TOR on 1 July and have received it today.  

    Still got things to sell, dropped prices as it seems only low value items selling, we have also got a car to sell and have dropped the price on that.  Everything else booked and ready to go.  

    Chess packing 27 & 28 and collecting 31 July, settlement 1 August.  Dogs being collected 1 August and going to kennels ready to fly on the 2 arriving 3 and being staying in kennels at Heathrow ready for collection on Friday 4.  We fly evening 1 August, planning to buy a car in between picking the dogs up.  

    Have managed to get a short term rental in Devon for 3 months, job market a bit slow over there due to summer holidays so hopefully a couple of jobs that were put on hold till whilst we were over there in June will spring back into life after the holiday period.  Got a couple of areas in mind with regards to house purchase Dorset/Wiltshire areas, but depends on what jobs come up!

    Not had a good nights sleep since we got back from the UK at the end of June!  Too much to think about and organise!  So far all is going well.



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