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Posts posted by frenchfry

  1. Hello,

    After doing some online research and calling the department of immigration in Australia, I could still not get any clear answer regarding my situation.

    That's why I'm posting on this forum, I hope someone can help me.

    I arrived in Australia on the 14th of May 2016, granted with a working holiday visa (Subclass 417).
    I wish to apply for a second year visa, therefore I have been working in 2 different farms for 46 days already.
    For some unfortunate reasons that would be too long to explain, I will miss 7 days to have my 88 days of farm work completed.

    In other words, my visa will expire on the 14th of May 2017, and I would have to work until the 23rd of May to have my 88 days completed (as week-ends don't count).

    Considering that I really wish to get the second year of Working Holiday Visa, I am now looking for a solution.
    I know there is a bridging visa that can be granted to allow people to overstay lawfully in Australia after first visa expires. 
    I also know that a bridging visa granted after a WHV would hold the same rights regarding work. 
    So would it possible to finish my 7 days farm work while on bridging visa?

    If this is a possible option, do I have to apply for the second visa straight away? 
    I would like to go back home for a few months between the 2 working holiday visas.

    To sum up, is it possible to work on a bridging visa, and will those farmwork days be accepted by the department of immigration to get my second year visa?
    And if so, is there any way to leave Australia for 3-4 months and apply afterwards for the second year visa? 

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much!

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