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Posts posted by Perth314

  1. I am sorry for you. I have been in the same situation as yours. 

    The company I worked for sold twice!  So I got nomination refusal twice. 

    Here is my story:


    And honestly there is not much we can do. The visa, the job are all out of our control. 

    We will eventually  find a job however the time we wasted on visa would never come back. It was such an big interruption to life plan.




  2. I feel so sorry for what happened on you. But you sounds like a strong person and your story inspiring me that I have to stay positive.

    You will get what you want one day. No pain no gain and this is life! Wish you all the best and good luck.


    Thank you for your kindness.

    I am not really tough. I even plan to leave. But this long journey made me getting stronger and stronger in mind.

    I have no decision yet. Wish you good luck

  3. Hey mate, you are in a difficult situation my friend. I think only registered migration agent or the immigration can only answer your question. Get a legal advice about your case as it's complicated, but if you asked me in my opinion nomination is not your visa it is just a part/requirement of the 187 visa so if you can not lodge anymore a 187 visa that's a big problem. Have yourself a plan B,C,D,E at this stage. Do what is best for you. One thing I can tell you everyone of us here has had a difficult journey but never give up I myself was refused my first Rsms, this is my second time. Successful people didn't succeed in life in just one try, they keep on trying and failing and at the end with all your hard work it will pays off. God bless everyone on your wonderful journey! Good or bad those experiences will make you as a whole!



    Same here. I have been refused on my first trial.

    But i did not give up. My new employer is ready to sponsor me in early this April.

    However, this suspension tied me up, and I can not find another way out rather than moving to other states.

    I can understand everyone's frustration. Life must continue. Let's pray and be strong.


    God bless everyone

  4. Hi, everyone.


    I had been a quiet follower for more than 6 months.


    Today, I think it is time to share my miserable story.


    I lodged my 187 RSMS application on 11.Jan.2016. I received RCB approval in around April.

    After that, my suffering journey started.

    My company had been put into receivership in August. And rumors was going around our company was going to bankrupt, even though our venue was operating as usual basis.

    My visa was still processing and no further news was provided.

    Until November, our company found a few potential buyers and they finalized the sale in December.

    I am informed that new ABN number will be issued, therefore, my nomination and visa application won't be approved.

    No doubt, I received nomination disapproval on 13 January 2017. It has been a year since I lodged my application.


    I thought I was lucky enough that the new company is ready in position to sponsor my 187visa. So I wait another few month.

    This week I signed the new employment contract which offers me the identical position and salary package from the new company. But I have been told by my agent that this paperwork as of yet is not available for visa purpose. I have to wait for financial settlement takes place, which may be ready in late of this month or early April.


    As most of you alerted, I got the email from my agent, saying that RSMS is temporary no longer available in WA, and no stating what time the RCB will accept new application.

    They are asking me if I want to move back to East Coast where is easier to find me a placement.


    I am frustrated and exhausted. But this journey must continue.


    I wish everyone good luck and to stay strong through this journey.

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