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Posts posted by Burkeyboy

  1. Sorry, maybe I should have made myself clear. My mum is wanting to make the move. She's been out around 15 times and hates going back each time. I didn't realise the process could take a few years and the costs were so high, around 50k from what I've read above. Thanks for all the detailed info, particularly Fisher1.

  2. Hi All. After some basic, early advice. I'm an Australian citizen and have one parent still in the UK. I have a brother over there but my sister passed away a few months ago. My mum comes here pretty much every Christmas for 3 months and as I am more capable and willing to care for her than my brother is, it makes sense to try and get her here. She's 68 and owns her own home though does have some minor medical issues, mainly blood pressure and some arthritis, nothing too major. The different visas are quite confusing and was hoping someone could give me some advice.

    Thanks in advance, Steve.

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