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Posts posted by chimwarac

  1. A few more weeks for and the wait will be over. The good thing is they haven't asked for anything which is good that means you have provided all the information.

    I didn't send a separate letter detailing my supervised teaching as my transcript seemed to state all the required info from days i taught and the age groups. It seems everybody has sent a separate document from their universities and I am going to do so to cover all angles and give them no excuse whatsoever

  2. To be honest , I am more than 80% convinced that we will get a positive assessment. I have gone over the requirements countless of times now and there is nothing to suggest otherwise. Having said that, i tried looking at other visa options and most of them involve a skill assessment as part of the requirements apart from 1 or 2 that you have to get an organisation to sponsor you which might prove difficult as i am sure very schools are prepared to do all that when they can put an advert out and will get a lot of responses.

  3. Same here,to say I would be gutted is an understatement. When you look at the requirements there is nothing to suggest that we will be unsuccessful. Most of my family are now living in Perth. My little ones will be devastated as they are very keen to join their nephews and nieces down under and i was very confident that I meet the criteria until yesterday when doubt started to creep in.

  4. Hello,

    I am a secondary school Maths teacher in UK and desperatly want to migraye to Aussie. I have Bsc Maths and Economics(Major/Minor) after 3yrs full time and went on to do PGCE in Mathematics 1 yr full time. Mine is a professional (122 credits) not postgraduate. The difference being the 60 credits the postgraduate carries. I have more than 100 days supervised teaching. My worry is that the professional pgce is classified as level 6 and when i was reading the aitsl qualification they seem to be saying the equivalent of L7 Aussie qualification. Has anybody receive a positive assessment with the same level of qualifications?

    Thanx in advance for your assistance

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