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Posts posted by Dis

  1. Hi all,


    Was on an old thread that nobody is really posting to anymore.


    Anyway, both my partner and my sons visa's came through today!  I'm in disbelief as I wasn't expecting them for at least 6 months.  Only uploaded my sons police check on Wednesday 19th June, it was granted the next day!

    Applied February 2017 but didn't quite have enough evidence to go straight to 100, so 2 years it was.

    A little bemused as we were told we wouldn't fall under the new rules, but they seem to have clumped some of them in anyway, and now gotta find the cash for another (unexpected) validation trip.  Initially told as we'd validated the 309, validation wasn't needed for the 100, being part of the same visa and all.

    Oh well, onwards and upwards and a little bit sideways, as we can't actually move for another 18 months now, until my son finishes school.  But we've done it now, still can't believe it.  For those of you still waiting, just be patient and crack on with whatever you need to do, your time will come.  😄

    We did it all ourselves btw, no agent but the forums on here were fantastic - thank you all!!!

    • Congratulations 2
  2. On 23/06/2018 at 06:16, Beffers said:

    You've an excited ride ahead!! Can't believe we've been here a year now and it's been great! I remember the packing and clearing crap in advance of the container arriving!! It's one weird feeling watching it chuff off down the street with your life in it!! Good luck with it all tho, and good luck on the 100!

    Thanks Beffers.  Glad it's working for you!  ?  Think I've already moved, in my head...lol...everything's just that bit more difficult to do atm cos I just want to go, but gotta wait  ?

    We're still debating container or movecube  ?  Hoping we can fit everything into 2 movecubes I think - still cheaper than a container from what I can make out & door to door.

    Slowly collating the next bundle of documents so we're good to go, although my son isn't sure if he want's to move or wait another year...pain in the ass!!  Either way, I'm going...he can follow, as long as he's there before his visa expires  ?

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Beffers said:

    Do people not use this thread any more?? This was a godsend to me whilst I was going thru the process!

    Aye, I was thinking the same - we check in on occasion and agreed, absolute godsend over the last couple of years.  I have pointed quite a few people in the direction of the forum, whether or not they choose to visit, I've no idea.  There are quite a lot of other threads and sites, so I guess people are using those, although I personally think this one is a fab tool!

    Think my OH put our stats on a while ago - just waiting for the 100 eligibility next Feb.

    We have found everyone's experiences and advice invaluable, and that has led to a smooth 309 visa, along with a LOT of reading, re-reading and just being careful in general by ourselves.  No agent needed, just read, take note and ask questions, whether on the forum or via the service centre.

    Already packing and clearing out and we're not even moving til the end of next year - ?

    Glad your living the dream, can't wait for our turn!!  ?

    • Like 1
  4. 20 hours ago, kevsan said:

    Hi - whats your timeline and preferred destination?

    I work as a Senior PM based out of melbourne, but we are always looking for networking techs at all levels, and i work closely with the hiring manager for South Pac. My current project goes until the end of the year and i have 4 network techs on my project so the rest of the group is a bit overrun - PM me with more details, if your timelines Feb 2019 its probably a bit early for us, but i can take a look.

    Hi Kevsan,

    WOW - was very surprised to read this, thank you so much, very kind of you and much appreciated  ?

    We weren't planning on moving over until later next year, when my son finishes his GCSE's, but we can be over in 6-8 weeks if need be.

    We were just going to head to Melbourne as a base and take it from there tbh, go wherever the work is then work around that, so fairly flexible on location.

    I'll PM you with his CV asap, think he just needs to add a couple of things to it.  If there's anything more specific you require, pls let me know.

    Thank you

  5. We don't mind where we go, it's tough all over.  I just seem to have come across quite a few ppl who have a dislike for Canberra, no idea why hence the ??  Think my prob would be the colder weather, which is one of the reasons for moving from the UK as it affects my ability to properly function.  The warmer climate is great for me though, have no issues - go figure.

    I have citizenship (dad's an Aussie) but not in a trade or well paid job, I actually like my job ?, so kind of reliant on OH for that, unfortunately.

    lol - recommendations on cheaper but nicer area's for a 'whinging Pom' in Canberra, just in case?  ?

  6. 34 minutes ago, Paul1Perth said:

    There are a lot of jobs in Canberra. A security clearance and Aussie citizenship is usually tequired come to think of it though. Canberra is probably my least favourite of all major cities too.

    Thank you.  We're looking all over and security clearance is defo a prob.  It's hard enough to get in the UK, got no chance in OZ, catch 22 all over.  ?

    Yeh, seems to be quite a few ppl adverse to Canberra??

  7. 1 hour ago, Brucolino said:

    Just thought I'd mention that I was applying to multiple positions in Australia while I was still in the UK. I included in the cover letter than I had permanent residency and was in the process of migrating on a permanent basis but did not get a single response. Even when I would send emails to recruiters I wouldn't get any reply back. I think the moment they see a UK mob.# on your CV/application they just bin it.

    It's also my understanding that a lot of people who migrate end up moving back home within 1-2years. I met a lot of people like that actually when I was furnishing my flat. Most people selling their furniture on gumtree seemed to be migrants who were moving back. I spoke to them and they were all saying the same thing - that they gave it a go, but that it wasn't for them. I got a few things from an English and Irish couple and then some off New Zealanders moving back.

    I was also asked in all my interviews ' are you here permanently? '. My point is - because a lot of people do move back home I think there is a level of prejudice when it comes to migrants out of fear they will(and can) get up and leave at any moment. Clearly though there is a large majority that does stay, including my sister, her partner, and others I have met and interacted with, so everyone's experience is different!

    I think a Pom Tech network sounds like a great idea! ? I've been looking into similar networking events myself on meetup.com

    Thank you.

    Yeah, we get that.  Had the same response when we were over last month from agencies etc.  Left CV's with the lovely ppl we stayed with and they're asking family and friends too, which is really kind of them.  Also got my auntie asking relatives all over OZ, my mum's friends who have family over there too, gotta do what you can.

    Kind of got a 5 year plan, so to speak.  I think that's enough time to figure out whether or not we want to actually stay and call OZ home, but don't think it'll be an issue tbh, he loved it - I'm all about the perseverance.  ?

    He has looked @meetup but prob no good til we're over.  He'll keep ploughing on and networking online.

    lol@Pom Tech.  Think it's defo an idea.  Now, all we need is for everyone to liaise and create!  ?

    @Your second update post - ? - I will keep positive for you, good luck!!

    • Like 1
  8. Hi all,

    We're at the halfway point and OH is eligible for his Sub Cat 100 in Feb next year.  Currently looking and applying for jobs (know it's a long shot) from the UK.  It's ok, we're not completely deluded and are fully prepared to get nowhere, but gotta be in it to win it I guess.

    Anyhoo, this is kind of a shout out, if anyone willing to give a Pom network tech a go, would be great!?  Currently employed as a hands on internal IT Manager, Senior Network Tech for about 10yrs beforehand.  He has some weird and unusual ways to get around things on occasion, thinks outside the box, a lot at the moment.  Honest (to a fault), hardworking and holds his hands up when he's messed up, royally or otherwise!

    Knows he'll prob have to take a step or two back, which he's fully prepared for, just needs a bit of a helping hand.  Will pretty much go where the work is.

    Good luck to everybody else currently and soon to be searching, from wherever you are currently based!!!


  9. 7 hours ago, oliver27 said:

    Hi all,

    I’m just in the process of looking at all the documents I need to collect for my application. Looking to start the process very soon.

    However, I have a drink driving conviction (from when I was 18, I’m now nearly 31 and haven’t been in any trouble since).

    The problem is, I don’t know exactly what the conviction was. Like was it technically a conviction? If so, how long was it for? (I appeared in local court and was given a small fine and banned from driving at the time).

    Because I don’t know the specifics, I kind of want to get my police check done before I put in my application, to give myself knowledge of what exactly I have against my record! Because Form 80 about character assessment asks you about convictions and I don’t want to give the wrong answer.

    However, all the advice in a normal situation is that you should wait until asked for a police check.

    Can someone please help?

    Hello oliver27,

    Don't know if it's of any use to you but have a read of the link below:


    I believe your conviction is spent but you DO still have to declare it on form 80, regardless.  I wouldn't think you have to worry too much as it it is a past offence and you've not been in any bother since.  Just be honest and explain in the relevant box.

    If you go for a full police check, you may fall outside of the year time limit and have to have another, obviously paying again.  You can, however, request a copy of your records for £10, saving you £35:


    Hope this helps and good luck with the form filling etc.  :-)


    • Thanks 1
  10. On 18/01/2018 at 02:19, Katiebobbles said:
    On 17/01/2018 at 22:34, Dis said:
    Hi Katiebobbles -  We received the request for our medicals and partner's police cert whilst on holiday over Easter in April last year, the 11th to be precise.  The letter stated we had to 'respond' within 28 days of the date on the letter.  We queried this with our CO, who was lovely, competent and quick and she said it basically meant we had to have them booked within 28 days.  We got the ball rolling with the police check the week we returned and had the meds done on the 25th May.  It took a couple of hours and they upload everything.  This was the longest wait, seemed never ending after reading many people had had them uploaded almost instantly, or within the week then - BING!!  emoji3.png 
    You have no control over the police cert as they'll do it in their own time.  We had a few issues with my partner's photo but they were really good and helpful and it still only took a couple of weeks from beginning to end.  We scanned and uploaded the day it came through the post.
    We had our grant approved for my son and partner on the 14th June, 2 days after my partner's birthday and 20 days after the medicals  :-)
    I believe, from other posts, they usually give you a nudge if you haven't notified them with your med date and police app.  My advice would be to email your CO with your holiday dates, stating that you will complete upon your return.  That way they're kept in the picture and you shouldn't have to worry about missing it.
    Good luck and enjoy your hols!!!

    Thanks so much that is super helpful.

    You're very welcome - glad it was helpful.  :-)

  11. 10 minutes ago, Katiebobbles said:

    Im sure this has been asked but cant find in the search.
    Once we submit our application and dont front load. A co is assigned then medicals and police checks are requested.
    How long after these are requested do you have to upload. I am just concerned that if we go travelling in the summer for 3-4 weeks and you only have a month from request we may miss it. Trying to ensure that doesnt happen.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Katiebobbles -  We received the request for our medicals and partner's police cert whilst on holiday over Easter in April last year, the 11th to be precise.  The letter stated we had to 'respond' within 28 days of the date on the letter.  We queried this with our CO, who was lovely, competent and quick and she said it basically meant we had to have them booked within 28 days.  We got the ball rolling with the police check the week we returned and had the meds done on the 25th May.  It took a couple of hours and they upload everything.  This was the longest wait, seemed never ending after reading many people had had them uploaded almost instantly, or within the week then - BING!!  :D 

    You have no control over the police cert as they'll do it in their own time.  We had a few issues with my partner's photo but they were really good and helpful and it still only took a couple of weeks from beginning to end.  We scanned and uploaded the day it came through the post.

    We had our grant approved for my son and partner on the 14th June, 2 days after my partner's birthday and 20 days after the medicals  :-)

    I believe, from other posts, they usually give you a nudge if you haven't notified them with your med date and police app.  My advice would be to email your CO with your holiday dates, stating that you will complete upon your return.  That way they're kept in the picture and you shouldn't have to worry about missing it.

    Good luck and enjoy your hols!!!

  12. Hello all, as per lots of others, been following for quite a while & after some generic, constructive input please.


    My fiance & I are applying end of Feb, I have citizenship by descent. We're not straight forward as we are moving in together in March, but lived together for the 1st yr of our relationship, so do meet that requirement, although no shared utilities as it was my rental. The reason?...his ex would randomly refuse him access to their children due to us living together, hence the reason he bought his own property. We've finally decided not to be held to ransom, as the children are now both @secondary school, and get on with it. We've been together 3yrs 3mths, got engaged last yr (in no rush to marry) spend the majority of our time together, have a joint account, named drivers on each others policies, photos from every year at Christmas & holidays/daytrips with the children, thousands of text msgs throughout, a few hundred emails. All in all, we seem to meet the requirements but would like to know if anyone else has a similar story or advice? Also, the Europe service centre seems to give conflicting info. They told me to complete a seperate form, paper based, for my son (previous relationship, no issues) to go as a dependent but when i needed clarification on something, they told me to put him on my fiances app...any ideas appreciated?? We obviously want & need to get this right, we've saved hard & spent the last 10months completing forms & getting evidence together. Hard work but, hopefully, worth it. Thanks in advance.

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