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Posts posted by March

  1. I applied in Australia, waiting 10 months then got it. ( last oct 25th). FYI.

    yours will be grant soon buddy :). God luck




    Hi guys

    It's 290 days after nomination and visa application but didn't hear anything back from immigration yet. Anyone have idea that how long more it will take. Thanks

  2. Thanks guys for all your suggestion/opinion. I don't resign or get layoff from my employer currently. Just heard from my coworker that one of the restaurant owner planning to cancel my 187 visa since I got my PR within 3 years in Aus but he hasn't for staying here for 10 years.


    With all your response, I have a idea if he really tries to cancel my visa. I applied with all true docu through agent and no paid any money under table to employer, and still doing my job pretty well. Just feel a lit depressed he tried to ruin my future when I'm on my vocation and not in Australia. What a bitxxx...


    Thanks alll again for your opinion. Cheers :)





    Can they really cancel your permanent residency if you resign before the 2 years? I know about 457 and student visa cancelation but pr? Has anyone ever heard any stories about it? What your migration agents say?
  3. Hi Dear all


    my 187(cook) visa grant in Oct 2016. I'm traveling now(annual leave). My coworker text me , the boss trying to revoke my visa and discuss with a lawyer how to do it. I applied the visa with all genuine docs. But I have a question, if the boss reports that I paid the visa fee and agent service fee myself, not paid by business, is it possible I will be in trouble???? Thanks.

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