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Posts posted by AA1986

  1. Hi Guys,

    I would appreciate you help with the following; I am filling the citizenship application and when it comes to ask me about the parents of the applicant, I have filled my parent details and that I don't have their passport details as they never been to Australia. At the end of the application where I attached all the documents under my name I also can see my parents name and they have written the following (This applicant is not required to provide any evidence at this stage based on the information provided within the application. However, the department may request further information from this applicant at a later date.) How come my parents are applicant? I don't understand what is happening?

    Can anyone tell me if this occurred before and should I proceed and submit it with this message or what?


  2. I have submitted my documents on the 09/01/2017 and the 28 days had already passed. No response. I even sent them an email last Monday when it was the 28 days exactly to follow up with them if they require anymore documents or is there any updates and it has been 8 days so far and still no response on the email.

  3. Hello Guys,


    I am new to the Form


    My details as follow:

    186 Direct Entry Stream

    Nomination 09/06/2016

    Application 11/06/2016

    HR, 2 ppl

    Occupation: University Lecturer


    Nomination approved on 05/01/2017


    Document requested on 09/01/2017


    Form 1221 for myself and overseas police clearance for my wife even though I have already upload it. I have contacted immi on same day and they asked on how we obtained police clearance, I have explained that it was through the Australian embassy on hometown. They requested to send them an email explaining the situation. Form 1221 was uploaded on the same day. An email was sent to them also on the same day.


    Please someone add my details to the list. I wish I knew about this forum long ago.




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