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Posts posted by terroz85

  1. I have finally received an email from DoHA saying that I am eligible to apply for Stage 2 of the partner visa application (Permanent). 

    Ever since the start of the COVID pandemic, my relationship is currently quite rocky with the frequent arguments over kid issues. We weren't like this before, but I guess due to unfortunate events such as her dad sudden passing away while she was almost due could have caused mild postnatal depression and the stress of being first time parents. 

    Could somebody please help me:

    • My child is an Australian citizen. I understand that I would still be granted PR even though we are not together.
    • If my partner and I split after the application has been submitted but before a decision, should I be expected to withdraw the application?
    • For the 888 paperwork, do I still need to use the same people or I can ask different people.

    We are both together and both sets of parents are mediating to keep us together for our child sake. But I have to reply to DoHA email soon and I want to be as truthful as possible. What would you do if you were in my situation.


    Thank you!


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