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Posts posted by reubs2016

  1. we waited because for personal reasons we are not under pressure to move to Australia straight away and wanted as long as possible between grant and Date of Entry. anyway at this stage all docs are uploaded and just waiting to do out health examinations as there is a delay here for an appointment. we do them 4th July so hopefully Grant before September time

    Why to wait for medical and pcc..
    Jusy creat a hap id and get the medical done now..
    And pcc not a big deal just apply fornit and get it done as well...
    And upload to immiaccount..
    Do not wait for co to recomment you to proceed dear..good luck
  2. I'm in Ireland and there is only 1 place in Dublin and 1 place in cork for the medicals. cork is a 4+ your drive and with 4 kids just wouldn't be doable.
    Dublin are booked up. they told me immigration are aware of the backlog.

    I emailed the letter of confirmation to them in my email explaining the delay so not sure do i press documents submitted or wait until medicals are done.

    I'm just so glad all the paperwork is completely done now and I never have to fill in another form again eitherway now it's a yes or no!! keeping everything crossed now.

    you guys must be delighted to be finally there. celebrations tonight for sure. are you guys moving straight away??

  3. not sure were that close behind you. our medicals can't be done until 4th July so way outside the 28day window so will delay us unfortunately.
    I emailed the email address on our letter requesting documents explaining this but never heard back so panicking about what to do.
    police clearance is done and form 80 so the medicals are holding us up.
    so frustrating

  4. CO contact today asking for colour copy of passports, nearly 3months exactly to date of lodge. picture page is black and white on passports so technically they are sent in colour. is there somewhere to explain this.
    also asked for copy of over seas trade qualification which was provided already not sure why they want it again.
    form 80
    police clearance and medicals

  5. we were also hoping to hear soon but now we feel that we will be lucky to hear anything for months!! although our agent has said that 30th June is end of year for processing times so they have a big push that time of year to get a load done. how true that is though I don't know. 
    We are hoping for a sept approval as we want to go in Nov for a holiday so could activate visas then. Not sure with the processing times up at 9-12months again it's hard to tell. Not so long ago it was 4months
  6. Flipping heck, yeah that's a huge investment having 6! I'm going solo so I guess luckier in that respect. Did you find it straightforward to go for it without an agent or have there been times you wished you had someone external on board? 
    Straight forward enough 2adults and 4kids. We have all lived in oz before so know it's gonna be worth it. we went through down under centre for skills assessment as that was the trickiest part. Submitting the visa was ok however there were definitely times I wish we had somebody to lean on as even now I'm freaked over info and documents. We have invested nearly 10k so far so it's alot of money to not get a visa at the end of it.
  7. Nobody has been invited since before Xmas so I wouldn't be worrying just yet. Also there are no hard n fast rules with invites from NSW they can pretty much invite who they want? It's unfortunate but that's their system and nobody really knows how they choose candidates.

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