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Posts posted by AJ15

  1. 2 hours ago, 24June said:

    Hi everyone!

    I have been  a silent follower of this forum for a while.

    I have been waiting for 15 months and 9 days and finally this morning I decided to call immigration for the first time following a friend's advice (they didn't say anything really.... just to keep  waiting). And surprisingly I got a call from my MA just now telling me that my nomination just got approved half an hour ago! and they had a question about one of my police checks (apparently NZ's police checks are issued in a "funny way")

    This is my timeline:

    187 DE restaurant manager LR (QLD)

    Nomination & visa: 24 June 2016

    Nomination approved: 3 Oct 2017

    Fingers crossed!!

    WoW... congratulations ??? 

  2. 10 hours ago, UserFriendly said:

    Yeah true, moreover if you have enough points , go for point based visa 189.  No need to depend upon on anyone..


    It tells u a lot

    Its total unfair practice from
    DIBP they are delaying our files without any legitimate reason & keep us waiting from more than 18 months....
    Firstly if they have concerns about RSMS visa they should clear them before we apply.Now we are struck with this visa because DIBP still not updating us why we are unnecessarily waiting
    When I applied RSMS i m eligble of 485 leading to GSM 
    now after waiting more than 16 month i can't apply for 485 TR any more & because of age factor my points get droped from 30 to 25  so I m not eligible of GSM as well 
    On the other hand my spouse is waiting overseas from last 2.5 years in hope that tomarrow will be our day.
    Why  DIBP don't realize that applicants are human being not robots, they have life as well...
    Why DIBP treating us so poorly & ignoring us just because we are applied with trade course not with doctor or teacher occupation.

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