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Status Replies posted by schryised

  1. Hi Mate

    We have the same situation. My nomination is approved 22/02/2019 and request police check. Police check uploaded yesterday but status is still initial assessment. I opened my immiaccount, at the bottom of  the attachment page, there is a button "I confirm I have provided information as requested" . It looks like my MA  does press this button after uploading! Do you have this button in your account?




    1. schryised


      Hi Mate, 

      Yes, I can see that button and it is disabled (greyed out). It looks my MA clicked on it already because I can't seem to click on it. It also shows last updated 4/03 when the police checks were uploaded. I just recently imported my application in immi to keep a track on it myself. 

      Well, all the best and fingers crossed for a quick response! BTW, what are your timelines and profession? I was quite surprised to hear from them within 5 months of submitting my nomination and application!!



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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