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Posts posted by Adamd1

  1. Thank you all for your replies,


    From what i can gather from the border.gov.au website i could possibly obtain a skilled independent 189 visa as according to the points scoring i would score over 60 points, i have emailed a the service manager at a garage dealership near Adelaide to try and gain some information on salaries and the demand for jobs within my skill set so hopefully i can start to build up an idea of what sort of financial position i would be in.

  2. Hi all


    with the new year looming it has got me seriously thinking about a move over to Australia, I have worked at a Vauxhall dealership in the U.K. Since leaving school so have gained all relevent qualifications but have now got to the point of looking for a big change. I have a wife and 4 young children and at the moment just looking into the feasibility of moving. I have had a look online and there does seem to be quite a few mechanics jobs advertised around Australia but I am slightly concerned trying to work out if I did manage to make the move that a mechanics sallery over there would pay all the bills and look after my family, in the U.K. We do receive some working tax credits that help, is there anyone out there in a similar situation? I just really need to know if it will be a non starter or if it's something that could work. Adam.

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