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Posts posted by Ally2900

  1. I've already posted this question once on these forums, so I apologise if I'm going to sound like a broken record....but want to ask again to be completely sure. (I'm making a big decision next week!)


    Has anyone successfully passed the skills assessment to become a SEN Teacher? I know there was someone on these forums (Leah?) who did a PG Cert SENCO after her BEd and it was accepted. However, I don't have a BEd - I have a 3 year BSc in Psychology. I'm applying to do a PGCE next week and thankfully have dodged a bullet by NOT choosing a School's direct, over a traditional PGCE thanks to the advice given here.


    I've found 4 courses in the UK that offer a traditional PGCE with Special Educational Needs. I think I will need to do a Masters on top of this to qualify, according to the gov website. I don't think the SEN part of the PGCE will be accepted.


    However, now I'm worrying in case this PGCE will not be accepted by Aus because it may concern less modules than a PGCE without SEN. I know it sounds ridiculous, but Aus seems so anal on transcripts and modules covered.


    I would just to hear from anyone who have has their qualifications (BA/BSc + PGCE + MA?) accepted...and is now a SEN Teacher in Aus.


    Thank you.

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