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Posts posted by Joji

  1. My daughter and her boyfriend have recently submitted their defacto visa with an agent here in Australia ( Jan 2018)  my daughter is a permanent resident here in Australia and her partner was here on his 2nd year WHV  and now been put on a bridging visa awaiting a decision . Myself and her step dad filled out a form 888 as we are Australian citizens which were certified by a justice of the peace along with the certification of our passports  , his parents both made a written statement which were witnessed by a prescribed person on the U.K. list along with their passports . The agent was happy to forward these . I would say your Australian friend could also get someone to witness his form 888 whom is on the list but it could still be considered not a legal document  but not due to the witness but because he is not residing in Australia . All form 888's and written statements and passports were all certified for my daughters boyfriends application 

  2. My daughter who has PR has a a car redgistered in her name , her boyfriend from Uk on a working holiday visa incurred 3 speeding fines in under 3 months on his Uk licence under her rego ( stat decs applied for for each offence ) and is now banned for 3 months and rightly so. We did warn him of the speed restrictions but he exceeded them on the same stretch of road and accumulated them within 3 weeks of arrival in Oz . He has a clean Uk licence ,my daughter has a clean Australian licence , her boyfriend has 3 fines to pay and can no longer drive in Australia for 3 months . He now has truly reflected on the consequences of this and deems himself lucky that it was only fines he got and not an accident that he could have caused . Many people in Australia refer to the saying ' flash for cash ' i.e police speed radar guns to get revenue for cars speeding . Don't speed stick to the limit and follow the road rules and regulations and your not part of that revenue , how simple can it be

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