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Posts posted by as1166

  1. Hi all,

    For more than two years I've been in charge of the spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1INy6sxuUIisgLOT7CcskWLjQjHV_6yVvUBRHceWE_a0/edit?usp=sharing).

    This means that I have to respond to all requests for access.

    Lately, I've not always been able to respond to every request in a timely manner. Therefore I believe it is good if someone else takes over. 

    Anyone interested? Please email me at ens186timeline@gmail.com . It has to be someone who already has access, so if you haven't yet, you should first request access.

    Looking forward to your response. The first one to respond positively will be the new owner.




    37 minutes ago, SAJ.N said:

    I agree with you.Canada is smarter in this case and doesn't consider immigration as a money making resource.The longer waiting time, the more money we have to spend!

    Also, Canada is trying to attract more skilled people in an easier way.that's why Canada has such strong industry while Australia has nothing.

    I'm Canadian, immigrated to Canada in the past, immigrated to Australia recently.

    I don't think Canada is easier or more straightforward. It took me more time and effort to immigrate to Canada, than to Australia.

    The situation at the moment in Canada is, that the last step in the process for PR in Canada usually takes less than six months if you are lucky and can apply through 'Express Entry'. But that is only the last step and before you can apply, you first come in a pool of applicants and you have to wait to be invited before you can apply. That may take months or years before you get an invitation. The number of people invited depends on the need of the country. Your employer also will probably have to get a Labor Market Impact Assessment, which is not cheap. While in the pool, you have to submit your resume to the Canada job bank. The process may be different, but you still have to satisfy the same requirements and you will need an employer to 'sponsor' you.   

    In Australia, waiting times also depend on the need. If the government decreases immigration of skilled workers, the waiting time goes up. That's both for Canada and Australia the same.

    If you want to immigrate, you have to realize that you depend on the country you want to enter, follow its rules and pay the fees. If you don't like it, don't apply. 

     And do you really believe that Canada has a stronger economy? The facts speak differently: https://countryeconomy.com/countries/compare/australia/canada 

    In my experience, Canada and Australia are very much alike. 

    • Like 4
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  3. While updating the sheet, I'm wondering if the person who filled this (below) in in the sheet for June 2016 is still on this forum and if there are any changes? There have been no updates for four months now. I just want to check if you're still there or have left. 

    Please let us know or else I will delete this entry by the end of the month.


    Naz HR 3 Direct Entry Onshore 20/04/2016 15/06/2016 Documents required: a sign letter from my boss and my husband police clearance from third country. Documents submitted 2/12/16 and now waiting for decision. 19/05/2017 submitted police clearance from third country. Still waiting for decision Pending Pending NSW Open Yes, still waiting. 18/05/2018. Now more than two years ? 877 Administrator 29.2
  4. Hi all, 

    Due to the abuse and vandalism on the ens186 spreadsheet, as the owner of the sheet I had to limit access. If you can't edit the list, you can request permission to do so and I will add you to the list. I prefer to keep the spreadsheet open, but, unfortunately, that is not possible anymore. Now I can track who is making which changes and any abuser will be removed from the list and lose the privilege to edit or comment. 

    If you want to be added, send an email to: ens186timeline@gmail.com . 

    This is the link to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1INy6sxuUIisgLOT7CcskWLjQjHV_6yVvUBRHceWE_a0/edit?usp=sharing 

    • Like 5
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  5. thanks for the reply again,

    i have no agent and applying for partner visa from philippines,I applied via vfs not online,but I created my immi account after my application..

    on my checklist is

    *other requirements-certificate of no marriage

    *charter requirement-police certificate


    do i have to response them on writing also?


    I'm sorry, I'm not an expert. I just went through the process myself for an employer sponsored nomination and visa, that's all I know about it. I'm not sure if I can help you with this.


    Police certificate should be no problem. The website gives you more information about how to get them: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa/Char .


    I don't know what exactly they want with a 'certificate of no marriage'. Maybe they want proof that you are not married.

    If you applied via vfs, you could contact them. They have helplines or you could email them. See: http://www.border.gov.au/Lega/Lega/Help/Location/philippines .


    If you were able to import your application into your immi account, you will probably be able to upload the documents through your immi account, but also there I would recommend that you contact vfs.


    I hope it all works out for you.

  6. thanks for the quick reply,

    they ask me to provide police certificate and certificate of no marriage..but on the s56 request for more info doni have to submit another evidence or just provide what they ask?am really confused


    The s56 request for more information has a checklist with on it which documents they are asking for. It also has an attachment which explains what they are asking for. You should send them (upload through your immi account) what they ask for in the check list. If that is only a police certificate and a marriage certificate, just upload those documents. If you still need to apply for a police certificate, do it as soon as possible. You will probably need your finger prints taken for that. If they ask for more in the check list, you should upload those documents as well.

    They give you 28 days to submit the requested documents. If you are not able to provide them within 28 days, contact the processing team and explain them why not.


    Do you have a migration agent? they should be able to tell you what documents you need.

    Or else, if there is anything that is not clear, you could try the phone number of the processing team in the letter you received (at the bottom).

  7. hi everyone


    im new to this forum,i wanna ask your advice if what evidence do i have to give because I received an email yesterday and they requesting me for immi s56 requesting for more information..is that a bad luck

    pls help me..tnx


    No, it isn't bad luck. It just means it may take a few extra weeks. Just provide them with the information they ask for. It should say in the s56 letter you received. I got the same letter and gave them what they asked for as soon as possible.

  8. Today I got my PR visa!



    Stream: Agreement

    7 people, LR country

    Application date nomination and visa: 24 May 2016

    Nomination granted: 21 September

    Documents requested: 21 September

    Visa granted: 21 October.

    Processing team; VIC PESE

    Comments/Status: Finalised

    Processing time: 150 days


    All the best to you all who are still waiting!

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