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Posts posted by NikkiLondon

  1. Wow, I just checked into this forum for the first time in a couple of months - massive congratulations to all of those who have had grants come through. They're granting so quickly at the moment! Fingers crossed for the rest of you waiting, it's so hard but you'll get there and it'll all be worth it.


    @carahunter the Brisbane/QLD forum is a great idea, lots of us on here seem to be moving there.


    I'm moving to Brisbane at the end of March with my husband (my sponsor). My 309 visa was granted in mid December, we applied end of April. So it was nearly eight months for us, but it seems like grants are happening much quicker now.


    Would be lovely to keep in touch with anyone on here who'll be in the area! It will be nice for us to have a little community of people in the same situation!



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  2. Congratulations, that's fantastic news Nikki! :smile: Good Luck with the move..... Would be great to stay in touch.


    So some are taking a little longer but not too bad, it's still a lot earlier than 10-14 months thankfully


    Thanks Cara! We should definitely stay in touch, and I'll keep track of your progress on here [emoji4] - I am strangely addicted to this thread!!



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  3. Hi everyone, I had my 309 visa granted yesterday!


    The process has taken 7 and a half months, I applied on 27 April. My case officer asked for some additional info last week, we uploaded it yesterday and the grant came through about 10 minutes later!


    We're still in shock!


    We're thinking we'll move end of March.


    We're going to live in Brisbane, I know a few people on here are too.


    Good luck to everyone still waiting, I soooo feel your pain. There were a few grants yesterday so hopefully that means things are moving over there and more of you will hear soon!





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  4. Hi everyone

    A fantastic day for us today - we received an email from our visa agent at 4pm today saying CONGRATULATIONS! Your visa has been granted after just 5 months!

    Celebrating over a jeroboam of champagne! We wish everyone who is waiting for their visa the best of luck!


    That's so great Jordan, congratulations!!


    Out of interest are you on a 309 or a 100?



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  5. No

    But paying the fee was one of the bureaucratic nightmares. They insisted on returning the fee and me paying again but when I finally got my Australian citizenship back I discovered there had been an error and the money hadn't been sent. So I say well keep it on the new application. But no. They had to formally return it - and this took 3 weeks!!! To return and accept the new one again. The new application, including payment had to be sent by snail mail and not online. Then it went in the wrong in tray


    Wow, that must have been the most frustrating experience! So glad it is sorted for you now.



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  6. @carahunter4 We're not sure when we're moving, it depends on when we get the visa and we then have to work out our notice and get everything ready. Hopefully February or March, so at a similar time to you!


    Yes we're in central(ish) london. Can't wait for a change of pace!


    Re the processing times - the border.gov.au site has been saying 5 months for ages, I think they don't update it. The uk site still says 10-14 unfortunately - http://uk.embassy.gov.au/lhlh/immi_processing_times.html - and that's what my case officer email said too. That said I've seen grants on this forum and others at 6/7 months (both 309 and 100). So I think we have to prepare ourselves for a long stretch and we may get a lovely surprise a bit earlier!

    @Alycat I believe by completed application they mean your initial application, so for you the count would be from 23 June (rather than from when you submitted your medicals etc)



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  7. Hi everyone,


    I applied for my 309 spouse visa 4 weeks ago. I've read back quite a few pages and seems people seem to hear back from the case officer approx. 6-8 weeks after lodgement so hopefully not too long until I hear back. I'm anxious that we've done everything correctly so can't wait to hear back. I'm hoping they will just request medicals and police check which I'm assuming should mean they are happy with everything else. We are both British, when I met my husband he was just finalising a permanent visa which he had granted not long after we were together so didn't get the chance to add me on then. We settled into life here for a bit, bought a house, got married and validated his visa on our honeymoon last year but now we've decided we would like to make the move together. We really need to move there before October next year to fulfil his resident return visa requirements however, we'd love to go about May time if we can get the visa in time and the house sold. I really hope it won't go against me that I had a permanent visa to move to Oz with my ex husband but I pulled out of going the last minute as I was getting increasingly unhappy in the relationship. I divorced him and stayed here so the visa lapsed. In the meantime I met my husband! What a wonderful twist of fate that he has a visa so we see it as a sign that it's the right life for us! I have been transparent about all this in the visa application and exactly how everything panned out so we've got everything crossed as now we've made the decision we would be heartbroken not to be able to go!


    Can I ask who is still waiting for their visa to be approved? I could do with some support as I'm starting to get a bit anxious about it all. I'm hoping a spouse visa is just a formality to check we're a couple. We have a mortgage (1 1/2 years), joint account & are married (just over a year), 2 lovely statements from friends, have written a statement each, added photo's, official docs etc I called Australia House and they actually told me to send less than what I was originally going to send as it was overkill!


    Looking forward to meeting some people on here - anyone else going to Queensland? :-)


    I'm waiting too- I applied on 27 April and was assigned a case officer on 17 June.


    The official waiting time as you probably know is 10-14 months for a U.K. Offshore visa. From what I see on this forum and others the average time seems to be about 6 months so fingers crossed I will be granted soon, and you will be able to move in May like you say!


    The wait is agonising, you have to just try your best to forget about it so you don't go loopy but it's sooooo hard, especially when you're excited and wanting to make plans.


    I'll be going to Queensland too all being well! My husband is from Brisbane. Whereabouts in Queensland are you going?


    Good luck with your application, keep us posted on any updates!



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  8. I received an email this morning - my visa has been granted!!! Straight to subclass 100!!


    I can't describe the relief of having it granted!


    Thanks to everyone on this forum who has given help and advice - it was much appreciated! Good luck to everyone who is still waiting!


    That is such amazing news, congratulations! You must be over the moon!


    Do you know when you'll be moving?



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  9. Hi Nikki,


    We had the same email from our CO (AW). We applied on the 24th March and email from CO on the 2nd June asking for medical and police check but with no deadline.


    Now just waiting.......:confused:


    So hard isn't it! I'd love to hear from you when you are granted, I am pretty much two weeks behind you so maybe that will be my two week heads up! Good luck!



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  10. Makes no difference, you just upload the marriage certificate when you have it.


    Hi Nemesis, I was in the same situation as you - it makes no difference really if you are defacto or recently married, the main thing is the evidence you provide from throughout your relationship.


    We got married 2 months after submitting our (defacto) application, you just fill out a change of circumstances form afterwards saying you got married / your wife's name has changed and upload your marriage certificate for reference.


    We got advice from a migration agent and this is what we were told.


    Hope this helps!





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  11. Your probably right we are not married so probably not a simple as those who are with kids, its so so hard all the waiting, i know within the time scales etc still but doesn't stop me constantly checking my emails!


    Me too, I'm exactly the same and so is my husband who is Aussie and desperate to get home! We're newly married and were defacto when we filed the application so I think not as quick as simple as some.



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  12. I think i may have a slow case officer we applied March, have uploaded everything requested and all she said is when she is ready to grant she will contact us to check we are not on shore, as my son starts school in Jan in QLD so we are flying in Jan, Well done for you though you must be really happy x


    Hi Deenickolly, I'm in similar timings to you, well about a month behind you. It seems from this forum the "norm" is about 6/7 months (although I know some people are taking longer and the official timings are 10-14 months), so I'm sure you'll be ok for a January move.


    It's great that your CO said you'd have the heads up before they grant. We haven't had any contact with ours since the first email introducing herself as yet.


    It seems from what people are saying on here that the really quick applications are people that have been married for 10+ years and have children, is that true of the people on this thread that have had grants in 3ish months?





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  13. I had my CO assigned last Wednesday 31st August, and they requested that I did the medical and police check and said that I had 70 days in which to complete and upload them.


    How odd, I didn't get the 70 day deadline either. Maybe just different COs say different things in the email!


    JRJones, you were a signed a CO pretty quick, that's great! Hopefully it's a sign of fast movement over there!

  14. Think things have slowed down. Same happened to me but I'm still waiting for the visa....


    Backtoback, I'm on similar timings to you, I'm just a couple of weeks behind you:


    27/04/16 309 application received

    17/06/16 CO assigned

    26/06/16 medical uploaded

    30/08/16 police check uploaded


    Now we're waiting!


    Question, some people say that when they had their CO assigned they requested medicals within 21 days. Mine didn't - they did say that I would need to do medicals but didn't state a deadline, from the wording of the email I wasn't 100% sure if they were asking me to do them straight away or not!


    Does anyone have any experience of this, I'm wondering if it is a sign that my application will be slower than others?

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