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Posts posted by LittlePenguin

  1. Thank you so much for your reply. I now have the answers/guidance that I needed. With regards to the bank account there is a hold on it as it is a joint bank account, and she refuses to go to the bank to resolve the problem, therefore we both will lose out. Thanks again for your reply, and to anyone reading this in future don't get a joint bank account.

  2. I think it's worth mentioning that I have searched through this forum and various other forums and have struggled to find any indication of the process ahead I will be facing, nor a rough timeline regarding whether or not 28 days stands or a natural justice letter will be sent to me.

    If I was to withdraw the application at this present moment, would I still be entitled to 28 days or would I immediately become unlawful and face deportation? I'm happy to leave on my own accord, and within the set time frame..

  3. Yes it is my visa and my responsibility. It is also her responsibility as a sponsor to notify them also. Hence the reason I was asking whether she would receive a confirmation after emailing to withdraw sponsorship.  So once they're notified I have 28 days from that date? The reason I'm asking specifically, is because we have a joint savings account that requires 31 days notice to access once the bank is notified. My ex partner (Sponsor) is refusing to sign the release forms so we cannot start the 31 day timer. She is demanding to cancel the visa, which I agree she can't do. Is there any leeway in the 28 days to allow for such reason to organize affairs whatsoever. The bank has a fairly firm stance that we both have to sign this, I can't force her obviously, and it's a substantial amount of money I don't want to lose when her intentions are purely to cause suffering to me.

  4. Hi, so long story short:

    --I am on a 820 Temporary Visa. Have already submitted documents for 801 Permanent.

    --My relationship with my sponsor has broken down.

    What is the correct process for my ex partner to withdraw sponsorship?

    She wants to cancel the visa however I have explained that she can only withdraw the sponsorship and the rest is up to Immigration. If she emails them, would she receive an email/letter confirming the sponsorship will be withdrawn?


    Thanks in advance


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