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Posts posted by Stoxy01

  1. Hi so I need to get a horticulture cert 3 to be able to proceed with my 491 visa so that I can get my skills assesment done with TRA  I have 19years or experience in the gardening sector so hoping to do a RPL to speed up the assesment .the only problem is I cant find any were I can take this course whilst in the uk  could anybody help or advise ???

  2. Please be kind as it's my first post .

    Any information on how to go about getting a visa on a general gardener occupation  18years experience and I am a team leader also a train the trainer  aged 36 currently dont have a qualification as all on the job training  but could quite easily get my cert3 , is this even possible 😩😩 iv had so much conflicting information I'm so confused ..was thinking the 491 visa but I'm not sure if I qualify !! I dont really want to.pay a migration agent just to be told no (dont mind paying once I know I have a chance ) any information would be grateful 


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