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Posts posted by POMMYGAL

  1. Hey There 


    Quick question. I am currently on a 457 visa which expires July 2020 and I have an 820 application in progress. 

    I know my bridging visa doesn't kick in until this one expires, but is there anyway it could kick in earlier if i quit my job and essentially my visa is canceled? Or will that result in a knock on rejection affect? 



  2. 5 hours ago, expatica said:

    Any update? Keen to hear how you are going as I don’t think many people have our job.

    Ahh I hate to break it to you, but I am now on about 21 months and have had no contact what so ever. 

    I have called the immigration number on numerous ocassions and basically, all they say is you just have to wait. I have complained via the immi website too and again all they say is you just have to wait. 

    I have heard of people in our occupation being confirmed quicker and I think it could have to do with being under the new Training Fee replacing the benchmarks? But obviously guess in the dark. 

    Surely it's any day for me?!

  3. 16 hours ago, expatica said:

    Hi all! Former lurker, first time poster!

    My boss just approved the PR application. 186 TRT from my 457. I'm from the US and my defacto partner (he's currently on my 457 as my family member/partner) is from Brazil. Our wedding is in March, woot!

    I'm eligible on Feb 4th and will be applying under my Conference and Events Organiser position. I was grandfathered into the old rules. My partner is taking his IELTS this weekend. He needs to score a minimum 4.5 which I hope he can get.

    Any advice? What are the current processing times for people in my case? I know my country is low risk, but is my occupation low risk too? I don't think there are many of us, but I'm not sure if that means it'll drag out or not.


    I am sitting on 16.5 months waiting for my nomination in Conference and Event Organiser Position FYI!

  4. 3 minutes ago, Hex said:

    Doing this (the medicals when told to do so) just means that you're willing to wait an extended amount of time for the grant. 

    Typically, once a CO requests a new medical - there is a minimum of 28 days (to upload the new files), then additionally about another week (if you lucky) before the CO revisits the case (at soonest). 

    For me, the wait was not worth it, hence, I was going to redo them all on expiry. This is entirely a personal / circumstantial decision and differs from person to person, depending on if they can / are willing to wait.  

    Thanks for the advice there, I will definitely go ahead with police checks.

    My immi account still says no action on Medicals, but It has been more than a year. Is it possible to just go off my own back and do them again? I remember the first time I needed some sort of code to be able to book in?


  5. Hey There

    Just wondered if anyone had any advice on reapplying for police checks or medicals. 

    I got my police checks and medicals approved in September 2017 - how long do they take to expire? Should I apply for new ones now and upload or just wait to see if they need them?

    Any advice would be great!


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