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Posts posted by Suus

  1. 3 hours ago, Khrys said:

    Why did they reject your EOI for Sothern Inland? Do you have work experience in teaching?

    They didn‘t give a reason and said they wouldn’t communicate about the rejection so there was no point asking. It’s my husband who is a Science teacher, he has an Australian teaching degree and 1 year teaching experience. But they are not asking for work experience like some of the other regions do, so not sure if that was the reason, but all very disappointing..😢

  2. 2 minutes ago, Quoll said:

    There's not really a shortage of teachers just teachers who are prepared to go to places that nobody actually wants to live in, don't be misled by the impression that teachers are in demand. There's are thousands of young -Australian teachers who can't get jobs in graduation.

    We would be happy to work and live anywhere if it would mean we could stay,  but they are not even inviting for regional visa’s.. My husband is a Science teacher and from what I heard, regional NSW is desperate for Science teachers. But I am starting to wonder if they might even take Secondary School teachers off the lists in the new financial year, would make sense as, like you say, there is no shortage apparently and they are hardly inviting anyway. Wonder if we will ever be able to come back 🙁

  3. Hi, we’re still waiting as well, since August 2018, but with only 65 points. It’s soooo frustrating isn’t it?!! I mean, what’s the point in putting Secondary School teacher on the “shortage list” but then hardly invite anyone??! I really don’t get it.. We started this whole process 1 year ago when we put in an eoi for a 189 and a 489 family sponsored, but not enough points anymore for 189 and 489 fs they only invite 10 a month (!), NSW 190 since August, nothing. And when we put an eoi in for a 489 SS from Southern Inland last month and we got rejected within a week... it really starts to feel like a hopeless situation :-( 

  4. 1 hour ago, JDJones said:

    Hi. I submitted my EOI on the 31st July. I'm a secondary teacher with 70 points. I still haven't heard anything yet...

    Thanks for your reply JDJones. It seems like NSW is not sending out lots of invites atm. Please let us know when you do receive an invitation. Fingers crossed we’ll all hear something soon!

  5. 16 minutes ago, Aimz said:

    Our eoi was submitted 13th August and had an invite to apply by the 23rd August. We applied for nomination a few days later and are now waiting for the nomination to apply for visa. It’s been about 5 weeks. My partner is a plumber with 65 points including state sponsorship.

    Thanks for your reaction Aimz. That was a really quick invite for you then, how lucky. Good luck with the rest of the process!

  6. 41 minutes ago, Hank said:

    Hi Suus, I’m a Secondary School Teacher and I submitted 190 EOI 2nd August to NSW with 75 points....I’ve had no response so far. Also intrigued to hear waiting times for invites. 

    Hi Hank, wow I would have thought that with 75 points you would have gotten an invite in no time. I assume you also put an eoi in for 189 with 70 points?

    I find it so strange that the occupation ceiling for secondary school teachers is one of the highest, yet they hardly invite any ?

    Fingers crossed you’ll hear something soon ?

  7. Hi all,

    I’m hoping to hear from other forum members about their experience with State sponsorship from NSW. We have put an eoi in for State sponsorship from NSW (190), Secondary school teacher, on the 22nd of August with 65 points (including state sponsorship points) and I wonder how long others had to wait for an invite? My husband’s points are 25 for age, 15 for Education and 20 for English.

    The short(er) version of our story is that we lived in Perth for 14 months (on a student visa) till last March but had to leave Oz because our visa ran out and we didn’t receive an invite for the eoi we put in for Family Sponsored 489 (WA) or the 189 skilled independent (not enough points after they changed the minimum required points). Since then we’ve been back in the UK but can’t wait to return to Oz asap. We have recently put in an eoi for NSW as well, as they don’t seem to invite anyone for the Family sponsored visa anymore ? And from what I’ve been reading they need lots of teachers in regional areas in NSW, especially science teachers and we are more than willing to go country so I am hoping we will receive an invite soon. But sometimes I am losing all hope of ever returning as they seem to change the rules constantly...

    Thanks for “listening” ? and looking forward to hear other people’s experiences.

  8. Thank you both for your reply, I really appreciate it.


    Unfortunately it doesn't seem clear cut as both answers are so different. From what I've read we have to submit all pages of the skill assessment, which includes the points test advice so the Department would have this information anyway, it's not something we can avoid I'm afraid.


    All the work experience we want to claim points for is post qualifications and full time. The qualifications were deemd highly relevant to the nominated occupation, and the work experience was in the exact nominated occupation and we have reference letters, contracts and payslips.


    it's all quite confusing and I would love to consult a migration agent but is it possible to just get advice about this one issue and strategy, or do have to complete the whole process with an agent?


    Thanks again!

  9. Hi there,


    I was hoping somebody could answer the following question for me.


    My husband has just received a positive skill assessment from Vetassess, but for the points test advice they have given him only 2.1 years for his work experience. They don't count the first year of work experience after he finished his bachelor degree, because they only deemed him skilled after this year. I know this is only an advice and it's at the discretion of the DIBP (or the CO) to , but I was wondering if he could still claim 5 points for work experience as he has more than 3 years experience in his nominated occupation? He can provide enough evidence to prove this.


    We really need those extra 5 points as we would like to apply for South Australia SS in the high points category. So I really hope it will be a postive answer :-)


    Thanks in advance for any help in this matter.

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