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Posts posted by mum

  1. I've just booked a flight back to the UK for July with BYOjet, flying Singapore airlines, has anyone booked with this company and how have you found them?

    I'm smelling a rat already and am really worried.  I had to change my flight once as I realised I had booked the wrong dates, my mistake and I had to pay $340 per passanger to change the dates, hefty but fair enough.  They issued me with a new itenery and I noticed that one leg of my flight had me leaving Singapore on Wed 19 July and arriving in London on Sat 19 August, over a month later!!!  I rang them once I noticed the mistake and they rectified it but they then also changed the time of my flight leaving Singapore to an earlier flight which means that when I arrive in London I have a six hour wait for my connecting flight to Ireland where originally I only had a 3 hour wait! I am now trying to get my initial flight back leaving Singapore as I do not want to be waiting in LHR for 6 hours after flying for more than 20 hours with two kids in tow.  They are being difficutlt on the phone and trying to charge me to go back to my original flight! I am putting my foot down as I am not paying to change my flight back as I never wanted to change it in the first place! They said they will get a customer service person to ring me back by the end of the day but I'm not holding my breath.

    I've since read reviews of this company and they are terrible, they cancel flights without informing people and change flight times willynilly.   I'm so mad with myself for not researching them before booking.  I feel sick that I'm not even booked in to any of the flights now :(

    I'm really hoping someone has had a good experience with them? I'm so cross with myself.

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