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Posts posted by Anil999

  1. I can't answer that, it could make life a little more complicated for you, but unless you e-mail AMSA and ask, you won't know. Why not renew it early?




    You will definitely need to contact the Challenger Institute (or Australian Maritime College in Tasmania) to find out about that, they will be able to talk you through entry requirements, the process and the student visas.


    Dear cap c


    They are saying to get my sea service assesed by AMSA prior joining for chief mates course. But should I get an Australian cor for my oow certificate before appearing for chief mates fg.please advice



  2. Dear Capt c


    I want to do my chief mates fg from Australia.at present I'm holding an Indian coc for oow.my coc is valid till 2020.Do I need appear for an oral exam for an Australian oow prior to my chief mates course from an approved institute. I intent to do this from Challenger institute. To be more specific do I need have an Australian oow to appear for chief mate.



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