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Posts posted by PipPipnallthat

  1. When I left England I used to have chronic tonsillitis, would be laid up for days. Not great memories. When I came to Australia, I exchanged that for hayfever of the worse kind. No tonsillitis in 32 years, but hayfever in my youth nearly drove me mad. How ever hayfever can be regulated with medication and diet, so once you know how to ease the symptoms its nos so bad. Also I think it the wetter more humid climates it probably isn't as bad as the dry ones. I think S.A has the worse hayfever season in the country because it gets so hot, dry and dusty, with nasty north winds in summer.

  2. Thank you, I didn't realise there had been a change from 187 to 188. Its a much more substantial investment, around $5m I believe, most of the MARA agents I have discussed it with say that one isn't getting much attraction but the 132 is taking off strongly with the Chinese.

  3. I appreciate the feed back from them and it was interesting to read their thoughts and concerns. Again, I can only benefit from feed back, positive or negative, because if I do find some one interested in this Visa type, quite likely they will have the same concerns as noted.

  4. Tax is what you voluntarily pay to the government, without sending funds off shore there are ways to limit your exposure to tax legally. I haven't noted the tax implications on the 132 Visa, probably because the income tax would be nominal anyway. No such breaks with the 132 Visa also?

  5. Whilst I am selling one of my businesses (I have several) rammygirl, I am also looking for a business partner in a new tourism venture in Tasmania. As mentioned earlier in relation to the Government and their lack of funding, the investment level in Australia is certainly on the slide and finding the appropriate funding without tying myself to a bank is proving difficult. Exploring the avenues of the existing Visa systems appears to be one option, whilst hair breadth slim, if some one shows interest and can tick all the boxes then there is benefit for both parties. Opening the discussion topic, for which i couldn't find in other threads enables others who may come in the future find information, opinion and contacts, and if nothing is forth coming from this conversation for my requirements then no harm no foul. Certainly if I came out all "used car salesman with bells and whistles", the responses would be fewer and the comments less pleasant.


    I hope the discussion continues and offers more insight, questions and facts because that educates and assists me in the future. The opportunity to educate and learn far out weighs the opportunity to criticise and berate.

  6. I've discussed with a few experienced MARA agents and they say it's much easier than the Significant Investor Visa and most of their inquiries are for the 132 over the SIV. One thing you need to understand about Australia right now is the government is starved of capital and the economy is slow. They are very happy to jump through hoops to get investors and businesses moving in Australia right now if it means creating jobs and adding to the economy.

  7. Actually some one investing in an Australian business, purchasing an Australian business, investing in Government bonds from between $1m to $1.5m AUD is eligible for this Visa. Not sure where you get the $3m unless the Significant Investor 188/888 Visa category has been revised.

  8. I'm actually an ex pat in Australia looking for some one who may be interested in this type of Visa. I'm a little tired of dealing with those from the subcontinent whose language skills are a barrier. I figured trying people of the mother tongue might return better results.

  9. That's a shame, my business has been in operation for over four years, very profitable, next to no over heads and takes less tan thirty hours per week to manage. Around 28% return at present. If you are interested, I had a Form 2 prepared just recently. Where are you heading back too, if I may ask?

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