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Posts posted by AndyPandy

  1. Peeeps ! Got my Visa :) Finally !! I have found a way to process your visa faster once they have asked for more info - Requested info for my Visa on (06/04/2016) and ask them to finalised it today - PM me if you have the same issue - waiting for decision after submitting your documents.


    Best of Luck Every one

  2. There u go andy. Ur wait is almost over. Congrats


    nom and visa 7/09/15




    evidence of having completed at least 5 years of secondary education at educational institutions in which all instruction was conducted in English


    how do you prove this aussiepr ? what have you given to the dep of immigration ?

  3. Requested Documents on 04/03/2016 - Submitted on 15/03/2016 - No Updates !! WTF is going on ? I know all the august peeps are on the same boat. Lets hope they sort all of us today - GOD has sent blessing - Its raining in melbourne :) Best of luck peeps - Prayers for all :)


    Applied on 28/Aug/2015 - Still Waiting :ssign8:

  4. Hello Andy, yes, I've got a case officer already and ask for further information twice, first on 18/02 and second on 29/03

    How about you?



    File opened on 04/03/2016 - Requested info - Submitted on 15/03/2016 - No Updates yet


    Will you able to tell me when did they check your case when they 1st asked for additional info ? (18/02/2016)

  5. Hi Everyone,


    The day has finally come :) Just received the most awaited news of my life (well the second most awaited, first being my daughter's birth!) Our visa was granted this morning. There is more relief than anything else. What seemed an eternity passed without much of an incident (Apart from my depressing rants.) My Migration Agent is an angel. She was realistic, calm and thorough and professional throughout the process and I can't thank them enough as they are also my employers.


    Our joy has no bounds and finally feel what a many must have felt on this forum and how all of you will feel in a very near future. I must thank you all for being so courteous to each other in time of need. I thank you all for being a support system and most importantly a knowledge base. This forum is great, let's keep it that way. Thanks to the moderators of the Excel Sheet which is a great tool.


    Here are some of the details you may be interested in:


    Nomination and Visa Lodged - 13/09/2015 (Yep, we lodged on a 13th, didn't care that much about luck)

    Nomination approved (No documents requested) on 23 March 2016

    Visa approved (No documents requested) 04 April 2016

    Nominated Occupation - Other Information and Business professionals (nec)

    Processing centre - New South Wales


    I had two different case officers each for nomination and visa as a part of the new compliance system for HR countries and hence Nom and Visa were granted apart from each other.


    Feel free to contact me if you need information, help or simply a shoulder. I will be hear.


    Once again, thank you and Good luck.



    I have a question for you .... I have applied my nomination on 28th August 2015 - Filled open on 04/03/2016 - Requested more documentation - submitted on 15/03/2016 But i applied my visa on 02/03/2016 - does it mean i have to wait for another 6 months to get my visa approved or will they look at both my files simultaneously ?

  6. Hi Everyone,


    The day has finally come :) Just received the most awaited news of my life (well the second most awaited, first being my daughter's birth!) Our visa was granted this morning. There is more relief than anything else. What seemed an eternity passed without much of an incident (Apart from my depressing rants.) My Migration Agent is an angel. She was realistic, calm and thorough and professional throughout the process and I can't thank them enough as they are also my employers.


    Our joy has no bounds and finally feel what a many must have felt on this forum and how all of you will feel in a very near future. I must thank you all for being so courteous to each other in time of need. I thank you all for being a support system and most importantly a knowledge base. This forum is great, let's keep it that way. Thanks to the moderators of the Excel Sheet which is a great tool.


    Here are some of the details you may be interested in:


    Nomination and Visa Lodged - 13/09/2015 (Yep, we lodged on a 13th, didn't care that much about luck)

    Nomination approved (No documents requested) on 23 March 2016

    Visa approved (No documents requested) 04 April 2016

    Nominated Occupation - Other Information and Business professionals (nec)

    Processing centre - New South Wales


    I had two different case officers each for nomination and visa as a part of the new compliance system for HR countries and hence Nom and Visa were granted apart from each other.


    Feel free to contact me if you need information, help or simply a shoulder. I will be hear.


    Once again, thank you and Good luck.


    WOW - Great News - I'm also waiting for some ... Please pray for me :)


    Best of Luck for your future endeavors.

  7. My Weekly Rant -


    There are days when I want to smash my head against the wall and feel it go numb just so that the thoughts would stop. But then I think of my family and avert from doing anything like that. I work in the migration industry and have felt the pain of visa applicants for years. Never did I think that the pain of waiting would be so excruciating. I would always say that how meek can one be to lose their cool over something they do not have control over? I now know that it is easier said than done. It isn't the fear of the result but the fear of the unknown that does one in. If only the process was more transparent and forthcoming (as the department's service charter says), I am sure that everyone would be able to sigh a breath of relief. It has been 202 days since my visa application was lodged. The last 3 weeks have felt like a year and I must have aged by that much in those weeks.


    After living and paying taxes in Australia for almost 9 years, being on 457 for 4 and being totally assimilated into the society, one thinks what more has to be done to be accepted? Shouldn't that, alone, be the criteria? Shouldn't that, alone, be the benchmark enough to say, that this family is now Australian? I love this country. I love the people, I love the way human life is valued and I love the way freedom in its true sense is celebrated in this country. I have always respected and followed the values of this country from day one and have been a part of its unique culture. It is then, one has to think, as to why would we have such red-tapped bureaucracy that would halt a family from progressing? I cannot buy a house even after having an impeccable credit score! I cannot be registered for certain trades even though I have more knowledge and practice insight than the ones practicing the trade. I cannot sleep with ease of mind thinking that my daughter has a secure future in the country. The one my wife and I have worked so hard to be a part of. And I am just getting started.


    The point is, the whole assessment process in its very simple form is nothing but paper shuffling. Then why, in this day and age it would take 200+ days to do so? We live in a world where we can get our taxes assessed in 12 business days. We can have our passports issued in 2 weeks and our Medicare cards to be handed on the same day! Then why, does it take so long to decide a family's fate? Especially when all government systems are now linked to a centralised location. Isn't it just outright cruel to do this? To make one wet their pants every time there is a new email alert on their phone? Isn't it cruel to make a family halt and default their future indefinitely without giving them any idea of hope? How is this still acceptable in this society?


    Remind of a service or a product for which you pay thousands of dollars and get this sort of treatment. You are in a limbo all the time. If I spend in access of $6000 for a product, I get exemplary customer service, I get value for money and I get courteous and timely updates (if needed). Then why, this process is so different?


    I am fed up to be honest. I am tiered and I am apologetic. I am not angry for some reasons.


    All I can do is fold my arms, take deep breaths and imagine what this wait would be worth for. I wish all of you a very good luck. Congratulations to those who received their grants in the past week.


    Sorry for the long post but I feel relaxed and I use this form as an outlet of my frustration. Have a great weekend everyone. See you later.


    Well Said !! My Situation is exactly the same like yours Bro. Been in this country for 8+ Years - Still Suffering - Its been 210 Days and counting !!


    Lets hope we will get our answers this week :)


    Best of Luck

  8. Just Spoke to my Case Officer - She said they definitely will have an answer by next weeek. (NSW)


    How will i sleeep on da weekend :o ... already panicking :confused:


    Applied on 28th August 2015 - Requested info on 02/03/2016 - Submitted on 15/03/2016 - Waiting Waiting


    She also mentioned about once CO requested for more info - they will not look in to your file at least for another 29 Days - Which will finish on the weekend (02/04/2016)- (In my case)


    Best of Luck everyone - Please pray for me



  9. 28+7 days for CO to respond after submitting additional documents.

    - As you have case officer and you file has been looked upon already therefore you will get your decision soon.

    - Standard time after visa is 6 months

    - Any news about your nomination ?




    no updates yet about nomination :( 28+7 Days i guesss :( should be by next weeek hopefully

  10. Hello Sheila



    Please help me calm down - Nomination Filed on 28 August 2015 + Visa Filed on 02/03/2016 - Request info on 04/03/2016 - Submitted on 15/03/2016 - No Updates Yet ?


    Couple of Questions


    - How long does it take to decide once they requested for more documents

    - Do i have to wait another 6 months from the time i have applied for Visa ? (02/03/2016)


    Thanks in advance


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