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Posts posted by clarebear

  1. Hi thanks for replying. The cannabis conviction was in 2014 it was for Produce controlled drug class B cannabis; he received unpaid work requirement for 130 hours, costs £340 and forfeiture and destruction; he has no other offences. Mine was in 2009 for Make false representation to make gain for self I received a suspended sentence of 3 months (wholly suspended 18 months) and Conspire commit act to pervert course of justice and received suspended sentence 6 months imprisonment (wholly suspended for 18 months). Both of our pre-sentence reports state low to re-offending. My work investigated it as did the registration body; I kept my job and have had a good character before and after. We both made stupid mistakes. I basically made an insurance claim stating I was driving my car when it was involved in an accident but I wasn't O.o 

  2. Hi all

    if anyone can offer any advice or support or hope or tips I would be so very, very grateful :) Both myself and my partner have (embarrassing) criminal records (2 me, 1 partner). I understand that the DIABP look at drugs and violence unfavourably. My partner's offence is for growing cannabis, he received a  community order of unpaid work and a fine. There are no offences connected to violence or amount to a prison sentence of 12 months. I am also aware that the visa outcome is very much based on each individual case. Has anyone had a good experience they are willing to share (not specifics just a yes it worked out fine because we did this...... or this..........) as I feel really downhearted :( One Migration Officer this morning said he wouldn't touch our case as "they're not worth the hassle"! We hope to apply for the 189 and have 3 children. 

    Thanks in anticipation 

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