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Posts posted by KWordySunSeeker

  1. I just tried to look on the immi account but it has changed now we have the grant and I can't remember how to do it. Does a whole new box pop up when you go to attach? Then you have to choose which category to upload it too, find the document on your computer and name it.


    Ahhh you have given me an idea of how it might work now. Where it tells me what is required I thought I would attach next to that. But maybe I need to find what it is requesting in that drop down box and then I may be able to attach? I'll look at it again in a bit. Thanks.

  2. Visa granted this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    7 months 1 week 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Straight to 100!!

    I AM GOING HOME after 11 amazing years in the UK and taking my beautiful little family with me.


    Yayyyyy. Amazing!! Many congratulations. Nice to hear of another grant. It's been a while [emoji122]?[emoji122]?[emoji122]?

  3. PS Newbie question - is there a shortcut to get to this thread quickly or do you have to search for it each time? Thanks.


    Celina xx



    I use an app called taptalk on my phone. This is an app where you can add all different forums. I added Poms in Oz and I have "subscribed" to this thread and then I'm notified if someone posts on here.


    Happy waiting. Fingers crossed that status changes to give you some news/insight soon.

  4. No, there is no correlation between meds/pcc and grant date. Some people do their meds when they first apply, they still have to wait months for the grant, same as everyone else.


    It's just that mine were requested. I had 28 days to complete them. I just wondered whether the fact that they were requested meant that they will be dealing with my case which means hopefully i could hear some news soon?

  5. Ive been following this forum since August and there appears to be no consistency in time from medical and police checks in to visa. Sometimes two months, someone was two days once I think, and some that just go on forever and ever. Feels torturous at the moment as our police and health went in six weeks ago and I wish there was an average to help my brain from going crazy sometimes!


    Hopefully you will hear soon. As much as you prepare yourself for waiting it's just so hard to keep patient. Lol.

  6. So that's it....my partner left yesterday for his head start at our new life in Oz!! He is currently on the plane now as I type. Really hoping to see a flurry of visas being granted again soon. Was keeping fingers crossed I was going to be one of the lucky 7 months ones instead of 12/14 months. C'mon visas.....sending granting vibes in the hope I will start seeing the good news of the people waiting getting theirs real soon. [emoji5]

  7. Congratulations Amy21!


    Also, just wondering if anyone has been asked by the CO to do the health and police checks without a specific date for it to be after. Not sure if we missed it on the email, but there didn't seem to be one. My husband also uploaded the health check under my section as he had run out of space on his, anyone else done this? Thanks!


    I didn't have to wait until after a specific date. I had mine done a few days after it was requested.

  8. They were requested in August by the CO (this was the only contact we had from them) but on or after the 24th December. Our agent advised us to wait until the New Year so we did them on the 13th Feb.


    Sent from my SM-J500FN using Tapatalk


    Oh really? That's strange?!? Do you know why your agent suggested waiting until

    New year?!? Reason I asked was because my medical was done a couple of weeks back and I am going with my daughter today for hers. This should be the last piece of the puzzle as far as I know so was wondering if I could possibly hear my outcome fairly shortly? This would make it approx round the 7 month mark but my agent states they are still taking around the 12 month mark!! Would just be a bonus if it did come through early as my partner will be flying out to Australia a week on Sunday!!

  9. Hi there. I have a quick question. My partners visa runs out on 16th March 2016. Therefore he is due to fly to Australia on 3rd March and I will follow as soon as I am granted mine. I have been told that as his time has lapsed on his visa he will be unable to return to the UK unless he applies for a return residence visa. Does anyone know why this is when he actually has his PR? Why can he not return for a holiday? Also does that mean the same will apply to me when mine gets granted as I am being added to his? Will I not be able to return for a holiday either or will mine be a fresh visa of my own? I hope this makes sense?? It is so much easier to think in my head then than try and type out!!



  10. If they were asking for 12 consecutive months worth of bank statements, provide them. You are claiming de facto for at least the year prior to lodging and have to be able to prove this to the level that will meet their requirements. If you have said you were de facto before this, say for 2 years, you should also provide some evidence to show this too ideally. But those 12 months prior to lodging, which is the minimum de facto timeframe they will consider is crucial.


    Sorry that was meant to say I WASN'T asked for 12 months worth. I am just providing what my agent is asking for!! She asked for more statements for 2015 a little while ago to show we are still in the relationship and at the same address, which I provided. I am waiting to hear back from agent today - she knows my situation so hopefully she can have some solutions. [emoji52]

  11. I wonder perhaps they are being stricter in the de facto evidence.


    Many of us submitted bills in one of our names only, however, we probably could and did also provide bills in both our names as well or had wills or life insurance or were named on a mortgage or lease together. I know we had both our names council tax and water bills. All the others it was one of the other of us. And we had our own bank accounts and a joint account and could show money going between them regularly.


    Did you provide 12 months worth of bank statements (even a page from each month if there are multiple pages)? Not the full every transaction type ones but the monthly overviews sort? For you both? If not, I'd consider if its worth getting those submitted.


    Did you explain the finances in your statements? Covered how the household works and why? It is important to break it down for them. Have you got 12 months of phone line bill? Did you submit them all or just a few?


    You have been asked to provide more official recognised supporting evidence by your CO. My understanding is you will be expected to provide this within a set timeframe. If its not submitted they will make a decision on the evidence they have. I was asked to submit a document by my CO within 28 days of the request with that explanation about the decision. We had expected it might be asked for and had it ready to send in. It hadn't been on the check list at all so we had waited to be asked.


    I was asked for 12 months worth of bank statements but I have shown bank statements for a couple of the months a throughout the year of 2013/14/15 and recent 16 all showing same address.

  12. What about evidence of future commitment? Do you have wills? Have you got life insurance policies for each other? Joint plans for future, investments. Are you Godparents to any children? Anything like that might help.


    I am mentioned in his will. I will send a copy of this today. I am gathering every little scrap of evidence I can think of. Keeping fingers crossed it will all be ok.

  13. Thank you for all your replies.


    Snifter I have already pretty much provided all what you have said. Insurance details showing him as named driver, individual bank statements for both of us showing the same address. Joint invites etc. phone bill contracts I can add to that and wage slips. Migration agent said she would go through paperwork I have already sent in. Maybe she kept some bits back which she can use? I have honestly given all what I can think of. I pay for shopping, Phone line and household items out of my own account and he pays bills and mortgage out of his. I don't transfer to him for payments. Although there have been some things in the past I have transferred money for so I could prove that but not been on a regular basis. Hopefully I am worry about nothing and a few more items I can give will suffice. Just that we have nothing addressed to us jointly.


    Thanks again all!!

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