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Posts posted by SandyBlueMountains

  1. Place names are hard work!!! Husband still struggles with where we're living....Wollongong. I keep saying, it's woollen gong. Easy. But, can he get it right???! Nope! We both get laughed at for saying stuff "wrong" - my stock answer for this, is "what language do you speak?" (The reply comes English) "Yes, well, have a guess who knows best how to speak English.....the Australians or the English??" 

    Dont get me started on driving!! OMG! Undertaking is fine here..... trucks don't have a lower speed limit.....and people drive way too close to the car in front. So.....expect to jump out of your skin when you get two, whacking great big trucks overtaking you, one on each side, whilst having a "red P plater" driving so close you can see the whites of their eyes.

    You cannot buy lamb or pork stock cubes for love nor money. 

    Other than that, we're loving it! The beaches are out of this world, and we go out and about loads, spend time together enjoying our new lifestyle. Homesick? Not on your Nelly!! There's certain things we miss, but we won't be going back to England.

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  2. When we submitted our application, it specifically said not to do the health and police checks until we were requested to do so. We submitted 27 March. When our CO got in touch, he said not to have the checks done until after 27 September. So we waited. Some other evidence was requested by email, and we were told we needed to add it to our application within 70 days of the date of the email. I think this was statements by friends, although I can't be sure on that.

  3. A school Project is pronounced prowject (row as in row your boat). Not sure about to project your voice, though!! Language is weird, isn't it?

    If you say "hiya" they will question you about what on earth you're saying! Equally, if you say "alright?" They'll look at their body to see if they have an injury. You should ask "how yer goin" and the reply will be "yeah good thanks".

    If you've had a few beers the night before, you may be asked the next morning if you've pulled up ok.

  4. Me again!!! So my migration agent emailed me today to say she had received a visa request and I can go ahead and arrange my medical and police checks. I have also got the name of my case officer but it is only signed off by first name I think so only have "I" as an initial.


    Now they have asked for more de facto relationship evidence from 2014 I.e joint named utility bills/bank statements etc. we don't have anything like this. I moved in to my partners house, he already had a mortgage and all bills were in his sole name. We never changed these as he pays all these and I pay for other things. We have no joint bank accounts. I have provided bank statements and other correspondence of mine and my partners separately showing that we have both lived at the same address since 2013. Also provided copies of joint party invites and also showed copies of holiday bookings in our names and also photos of us and the children on holiday. What else can I provide? We really have nothing that gets addressed to us jointly! This has worried me a little!! Anyone else experienced this problem?

    What about evidence of future commitment? Do you have wills? Have you got life insurance policies for each other? Joint plans for future, investments. Are you Godparents to any children? Anything like that might help.

  5. Me again!!! So my migration agent emailed me today to say she had received a visa request and I can go ahead and arrange my medical and police checks. I have also got the name of my case officer but it is only signed off by first name I think so only have "I" as an initial.


    Now they have asked for more de facto relationship evidence from 2014 I.e joint named utility bills/bank statements etc. we don't have anything like this. I moved in to my partners house, he already had a mortgage and all bills were in his sole name. We never changed these as he pays all these and I pay for other things. We have no joint bank accounts. I have provided bank statements and other correspondence of mine and my partners separately showing that we have both lived at the same address since 2013. Also provided copies of joint party invites and also showed copies of holiday bookings in our names and also photos of us and the children on holiday. What else can I provide? We really have nothing that gets addressed to us jointly! This has worried me a little!! Anyone else experienced this problem?

    Christmas/birthday cards? Invitations? Friends Facebook photos showing the two of you together? Written evidence from other family members...

  6. Hi all,


    I'm wondering whether I should get my medical done and out the way so when requested I will be able to provide it straight away. I believe they don't expire until after one year. I lodged my application 4 months ago and seeing as the guideline for waiting is 10-14 months I should be ok and they should not expire. What are anyone's thoughts on this?...I'm worried I could be tempting fete?!? My migration agent has said that I can do this but made me aware they could expire before visa granted?!?


    On the other hand if I wait until checks are requested it gives me a better idea that it could be sooner rather than later that I may hear about my visa being granted and not prolong the waiting game!! [emoji57]

    For what it's worth, I would wait. It only took us about a week to arrange it and get it all done, and the police check was a similar time. That way you don't feel you're tempting fate. Also, the money is probably better off in your bank account than the doctor's!


  7. Well I never!!!!!!! Thanks you guys!!! I just checked the emails from 30 December and THERE'S TWO!!!!! We don't use that email address, and after we got the grant, I was so excited, I never checked it again, but there it is, the 100 about 2 minute after the first one!!!!

    (So what does that give us that we didn't have before?!!)

    Thanks again to this forum for making me go and double check...!!!! I feel like a dog with two tails!

  8. I just checked my emails... Astonishingly, it came through today. Happy Australia Day everyone!!!!


    We only got the 309 too, and were expecting/hoping for the 100. Does anyone know what difference this makes in terms of employment? I have been in talks with a professor about doing a PhD with them, but I'm not sure if I'll be eligible for funding unless I'm a PR. I know this is a bit niche but has anyone got any experience?


    Yay!!!! Congratulations!!!

    Don't know about the 100 stuff, but I'm sure I read somewhere that you get the 100 two years from date of lodgement.

  9. Hi Folks,


    Firstly what a positive and pleasant forum this is! Nice to see so many folks looking out for each other.


    We applied 17/4/15, CO VF assigned 2/6/15. Medical completed too early (damn website!) but extended by VF by 6 months to end of Oct 2016. Really hoping for the 100 off the bat - we have been together long enough so hopefully the evidence stands up. I notice lots of people are getting grants that applied around the same time as us so fingers crossed!


    The uncertainty is somewhat heightened for us as my partner's UK visa runs out on 7/1/16... :err:


    We applied about a month before you, so going by that, you should be anytime soon. We've been married 25 years, and only got the 309, though...

  10. I think that during all those months of constantly checking and re-checking, you kind of get used to how it all works. And there are guidelines for absolutely everything. This forum, for me, was what kept me sane. I didn't actually join until we had completed everything on the application, and there was nothing left to do but wait. Every time I needed to know what to do, I checked this forum, and found the answer. I don't know who runs it, but what a brilliant job?!

    If anyone out there is reading this, without joining, I would recommend joining sooner rather than later because you can save yourself a lot of time, money and worry by just asking these good people a question.

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