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Posts posted by jchoops

  1. Hi mte, good luck is all I can say. I managed to get a TA in Brissy when I first came over doing Mechanical services, but the company went bust. Worked for primus, as an Exchange Tech (which is what I had done in London) and that work went south after a few years. I have Electronics certs 224 (1 and 2) and 236 (1 and 2) and a heap of electrical and comms certificates and can't even get a TA job. I was made redundant last year, live on the Sunny Coast and still had no work. Been applying for "anything". Every POMMY sparks I've come across seems to have been s**t lucky to have got there license. TBH, if it was not for the fact that my daughter is starting uni this Feb, I would have f***ed off by now. Lucky for me we have a flat being sold in London, small mortgage here and my wife has quite a good wage. Sadly, I'm 54, and forgotten more than a lot of the Aussie sparks I've come across seem to know. Oh, and one other thing, I don't know what it it about POMMY expats, but we just don't seem to help each other out like the Aussie's did with each other in London. I have spoken to POM's that have there own electrical company here, and are aware of the issues but just can't be arsed to help - very strange! Oh, just to give you an idea how pissed off I'm with the situation ( as if you have not yet noticed) I put a detailed FAQ on the TRA website in November discribing my situation and asking what options I have. There website stats a 10 working day reply, still waiting... It's like the ETU have had the industry ringfenced, and the Government don't want to interfere. What really gives me the hump, is the Aussies have no steel conduit experience and if you mention MICC well the blood seems to drain from there face. Good luck my friend, I wished I could give you a starting point. From people I have spoken to, the best way is to get as a electrical TA and go from there, but don't go holding your breath!

  2. Hi Pozza, I just don't know over here. When I first came here, even getting to speak to someone at the TRA was like getting blood out of a stone. I have gone on there website and given them a descriptive account of my experience and qualification and asked if they have a way of supporting this type of situation as I don't mind doing some TAFE, but I'm not holding out much hope. As I said, I have a good work descriptive reference from my old boss at Telewest, but had no idea that over evidence would be required, so kinda ****ed tbh!!

  3. Hi Simon,

    mate, sorry to bother you but I'm also in a similar situation to Pozza. I have both my C&G's 236 1 and 2 plus 224 pts 1 and 2. I did do my apprenticeship in construction sparks, but spent many years in comms ( transmission and exchange mtce). Now, I came over on a spouse visa and had no idea regarding the minefield sparks had to go through to get a license. I've spoken to the TRA, but from what I gather, I have to prove I'm a sparks (photo's memo's,testing paperwork, referee's etc) which is bloody near impossible, especially when I'm 54 and even the company I was an apprentice on no longer excises. Anyway, long story short what was the prerequisite for this Future skills mob mate?

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