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Posts posted by suryatijawad

  1. Yeah, i asked them if my file have been sent to decision maker or not.. They said that no, its currently being assessed.. In immi account, its saying "Assessment in Progress". By the way, i am applicant. My wife is sponsoring me..


    update my medical has been fail due to I am hepatitis b positive.and they give me a last chance to submit health waiver.I dont know what's it mean.but so far I lose my confidence.now not thinking any more about the visa.but I wish everyone got there visa soon insha Allah.best of luck brothers and sisters......

  2. This is too long, I hope you get the decision soon.


    Did AHC Isb say anything about the application as to what stage is it in? Or has it been referred to Australian Decision maker for the final review?

    Thank you for contacting the department.

    With reference to your email; please note that your application is being actively processed. I also note that the application has been assessed.

    However I am unable to give you a definite time frame for finalisation.

    We appreciate your patience as we move towards finalising the application


    this is what I got from AHC islamabad today...

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