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Posts posted by Newbie65

  1. @Anxious see my post just above ^


    As I said I 'd reccommend buying the gold online test resources so you get 2 full 'exam timed' papers. Worth every penny.

    Also reccommend the other pearsons book that I managed to get a .torrent of - (it has 4past exams in there).


    All depends how you learn best, personally revising past papers and taking the practice exams worked for me - I needed 79 also. Good luck!!

  2. Hi Guys,


    Thought I'd stick in my two-penneth after spending so much time deciding which english test to take myself! I'm a yorkshire girl, always been pretty good at English through school etc but after hearing stories of many academic professionals failing the IELTS 3/4/5 times I started to worry and began looking into other options.


    After weighing up the pro's and cons of TOFL/PTE/IELTS I decided to go for the PTE. One of the big factors which lead me to choosing the PTE-A was that i found the IELTS questions contain an extra option for a lot of their questions “None of the above”. After reading through the forums and looking at some practice IELTS content it made me sceptical of taking the test, as it means that none of the given options are necessarily correct (At least with PTE I knew that the answer is definitively one of the options given). So for me that was decision made.


    Here are some links any of you may or may not find useful - I doubt I've accessed anything online that you’re not capable of finding yourself, or that hasn't already been mentioned in this post.... but if I can save anyone the time I guess it’s a bonus.



    • I found a few test questions online here. They also have some IELTS test questions and TOFL
    • I have 'acquired' (.torrent) a copy of the “Practice Tests Plus” book, which is really good and has 4 full length practice tests in it and the answer guides. I'd recommend this!
    • Also purchased the PTE official book - got to admit I only used the practice test and task questions from this book. Didn't read the majority of it - but practicing the tests worked perfectly for me!
    • I purchased the GOLD Package of online exams from the pearson website (think it was about £50?) - Absolute godsend



    Pearson’s have also released some official documents for guidance:





    If you go to http://pearsonpte.com/ and register you also get access to a few test questions, if you haven’t already.


    I revised for 2 weeks. 1/2 hours after work for 5 days, and took 3 days off work where I spent half the day revising. Personally, going through the practice tests and questions worked best for me. I got 78 in both my timed online practice tests, which was a fail for me as I needed 79 - so by exam day I was so nervous!


    I was worried about being put-off by being able to hear other people speaking in the room, but as plenty have already said - you soon forget about them and 'get in the zone'. I didn't particularly feel that my test went well, I stuttered on a couple of the speaking parts and almost ran out of time on the reading - but 5 days later I got my results and received 90 in each area. Still not sure how I managed that, I definitely stuttered and answered some questions incorrectly - but overall was still good enough.


    If a computer can understand my Yorkshire accent and still give me full marks I'm sure that can give hope to some of you! :P Apologies if I've rambled a little, just wanted to share my personal experience :)

    Whatever any of you decide, best of luck!!

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