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Posts posted by daughterK

  1. My Dad was refused so my Mum was also automatically refused, which was tough, but that is the way it is. And for all the helpful people: No we can't reapply again with dad on a separate application-those days are well and truly over...

  2. Hi Elaine and Chris, it is such a worrying situation isn't it. I decided not to appeal as what they said about my Dad's health was right. That was that an average person with his health status will need to be in aged care very soon and will therefore cost Australia too much in the "period" which is three years. Anything over $40,000 for three years is considered too expensive . It is also apparently extremely hard to overturn the decision, basically you have to show completely new evidence to show that the panel doctor misdiagnosed your Mum... but it can be useful if you wish to play for time.


    We have not received our official "Refusal letter" even now, even though we had the preliminary notice in October... We are going to apply for the 602 medical treatment visa, but we have to get this letter first before we can apply for it, then we have 4 weeks to get it in.


    Just one MAJOR thing that you will need to keep in mind. On the medical treatment visa people are still covered for reciprocal medicare, but there is no cover at all for aged care. This means that people are then up for the following IN FULL: $400,000, for the room in a facility, which is returned in full when people " leave" aged care (great euphemism...) and then nearly $100,000 a year to pay for the care and daily living fees. If you Mum can afford this then you will be fine. If anyone tells you differently, they are wrong, I'm afraid. I had to lead the aged care facility we have chosen through this process myself as they didn't understand themselves what " FULL FEES" meant! It means, No caps on fees and no claiming for anything.


    Hope this is helpful. Best of luck. I feel for all of us....


    I had a great discussion with George Lombardo in Sydney on the phone for $220. It was well worth the call for the information he gave me as a second opinion to my Migration Agent.

  3. I was brought up in Kent and live in regional WA. I have brought up four children here. Good weather does mean that children get outside much more and many more activities are organised outside, which is really good in my view. People in UK seem to be much more frightened of crime and so much less trusting. I was sitting on a train last year coming out of London, and my husband had got up for this lady to sit down. She got a paper out to read, and as my husband had left his small rucksack on the table in his rush to get up for her, i motioned to him to take it . She retorted loudly that she wasn't going to steal anything from the bag, but I only wanted to give her space for her paper!! You do have be sensible about personal security here as anywhere but I would say that crime is not so much in the forefront of everyone's mind. You do NOT have to worry about your recycled paper rubbish being sold to China and being scrutinised by gangs to steal your personal details from discarded paperwork!! Maybe that is just my families special fear, but geez! I'm not sure what you mean about educational improvement... Australia has taken on many fads long after everyone else has proved them wrong, much to the despair of teachers. However, depending on where you come from, schools may be better equipped with lovely outdoor playing fields and grounds, unless you are going inner city. No asphalt playgrounds around where I live! Good luck! And if you don't like it here after a decent period, you can always go back :-)

  4. It is sooo confusing, isn't it. The CPV is around 50,000 pounds for two.. You get your pensions if you move here but they are frozen at the amount you get before you leave so they don't increase with inflation over time from that point. The exchange rate to the Au Dollar is the best it has been for many years at the moment. It wobbles up and down a bit depending on who says what about China in any given day. They really advise not to sell your house until you get your visa, in case. My advice, for what it is worth,and knowing nothing else about your circumstances, is that if you are working out if you can survive or not over here, you are better to stay where you are, and instead come over regularly to see your family in non school holiday times of the year. Do you need the financial stress at this time of your lives? You will buy a lot of trips for 50,000 pounds. Good luck!!

  5. Hello! I would advise you have a look at Fremantle too. It is smaller, friendlier and on the outskirts it is cheaper than Perth, and it isn't far way from the city by direct train or road. More of a community than other suburbs and more of a european feel. You can get great bread and home staples that you will be used to in The Netherlands. My husband is Dutch. In most of Australia a Bakery is nothing like what you will be used to! Nor will the cheese section be :-) In fremantle you can find these things more easily. I think it may be a softer landing for you there. Good Luck!

    Also carpenters are generally called "Chippies" here so don't be surprised. Electricians are "Sparkies". Anyone carrying out a trade are "tradies" I am sure you are getting the picture now!

  6. Hello! I would advise you have a look at Fremantle too. It is smaller, friendlier and on the outskirts it is cheaper than Perth, and it isn't far way from the city by direct train or road. More of a community than other suburbs and more of a european feel. You can get great bread and home staples that you will be used to in The Netherlands. My husband is Dutch. In most of Australia a Bakery is nothing like what you will be used to! Nor will the cheese section be :-) In fremantle you can find these things more easily. I think it may be a softer landing for you there. Good Luck!

  7. Thank you for your kind reply Nemesis. I am sorry for reporting his demise incorrectly! I am glad to hear is is alive and kicking, so hopefully he will be able to reply to the email I sent him earlier :-)

  8. I am not wanting to have two agents act for me. I am going to a second lawyer/agent for his expert opinion, as he has been introduced to me as a Barrister and an expert in the area I need. Normal practice in Law.

  9. It is completely about second opinions! I wouldn't buy a car without at least a second opinion. Many lawyers become migration agents. Similar skill set I guess. Ill let you know how I go with that. The Dept gives 28 days to provide other evidence to change MOC's mind before refusal is final.

  10. The trouble is, you say you already have an agent. Most agents will not engage whilst you have another agent on board.


    I am all for getting a second opinion! My agents here are Lawyers but not Barristers. The legal system has always worked by getting Opinion from legal specialists, so I hope that will work out for me here too.

  11. Thank you for that advice. I have a migration agent, this will be the test of whether they are good or bad! I was wondering if anyone on this forum had any experience to share with me on this matter.

  12. My parent has been recently rejected on grounds of Dementia aged 90 but given 28 days to provide relevant documentation to MOC. Are there any precedents out there of successful challenges to an MOC decision that cites "Significant Health care costs"? My parent luckily has funds to support their own aged care. It has not been rejected due to services in short supply. Any help gratefully received!

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