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Posts posted by daughterK

  1. It is sooo confusing, isn't it. The CPV is around 50,000 pounds for two.. You get your pensions if you move here but they are frozen at the amount you get before you leave so they don't increase with inflation over time from that point. The exchange rate to the Au Dollar is the best it has been for many years at the moment. It wobbles up and down a bit depending on who says what about China in any given day. They really advise not to sell your house until you get your visa, in case. My advice, for what it is worth,and knowing nothing else about your circumstances, is that if you are working out if you can survive or not over here, you are better to stay where you are, and instead come over regularly to see your family in non school holiday times of the year. Do you need the financial stress at this time of your lives? You will buy a lot of trips for 50,000 pounds. Good luck!!

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