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steve 111

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Posts posted by steve 111

  1. Most documents you submit for a visa or dont are significant mine was my resignation letter from employment as i was using my Super for the finance component. All visa apps for the UK from Australia go through the UK Embassy in Manila

  2. Be very confident and do your homework if you apply for your visa, i made the mistake of leaving out 1 piece of paper and got rejected, the people in Manilla just have a check list and if you dont conform thats it and dont bother appealing as it costs money and they will not except any new paperwork ie what you missed the first time plus it takes a year minimum, but if you cant supply any extra paperwork whats the use. The second time i went through a company called First Contact they were excellent, you supply the information and they check it and fill out the forms for you, yes i had to pay again and for there services but i had my visa within 7 days.

  3. My wife has been to Brisbane and put her visa app in we done it on the 8 jan and got an email today saying the decision has been made documents are to be returned to Brisbane but did not say yey or nay,seems very short time

  4. Can some one tell me what part I will in on the financial form to say I have enough funding in my super fund,yes I have been told I can use this and I thought it would go under pension/benefits but im not sure

  5. Hi guys I do not see a problem but how long before I go can I apply for my wife's visa does it have to be within so many days of going, or intended going

  6. Ok guys help me here, my wife and I are moving back to UK I am a British citizen and my wife is Australian. Is it best to get her Visa here our when we are in UK,she is intending to work the reason I ask is my super does not turn into savings until a month after we get there.

  7. I read the visa requirments is it true your super can't be counted as finance until you have accessed it for 28 days before you apply as I do not retire until three weeks before we go and we want to apply for visa before December

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