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Posts posted by Adam

  1. 3 hours ago, gaurav Kash said:

    Good day sir. 

    I am jus taking baby steps considering the experienced legends that have been here for years. I'm Gaurav sailing as 2nd off (rank experience almost 60months)Greatly appreciate if someone can help me on few below topics. 

    1 .is there anyone on 2nd mate rank to help me with some oral tips. 

    2.flag state pcc.... How do we go about them/do we email them directly or company does it on our behalf.. 

    3 . my docs jus couriered further which I have to go for skill assessment.... Which oral center would be preferred on 2nd mate (perhaps expecting some lineancy) 

    4.is there anyone on junior rank to render me some help here. 

    Thank you all... :)


    Welcome and good luck for the months of hard work, stress, patience, money and hard work.  There are no short cuts, it takes a lot of all the above.  Just to give you and other new members an idea, this is my situation:

    I first started the process with company letters etc in September 2015, got invited for orals in February 2016, moved to Australia on a working holiday visa in October 2016, did orals in November 2016 and submitted visa application December 2016.  I got asked for more documents in January 2017, then more again in June 2017.  I am now still waiting, hopeful that the visa isn't far off.  During that time I was laid off from my job and could no longer afford to live there so had to return to the UK in April 2017.  A big move followed by another big move back again, all in the space of 6 months.  Long story short, in this current climate, I wouldn't advise anyone moving out there with or without PR.  Yes, things are picking up slowly but there are no secure jobs currently and I don't expect there will be for a long time.

    Addressing your points:

    1.  Treat your orals like any other orals and go through the syllabus thoroughly.  In my AMSA orals, he went through every single point on the syllabus.

    2.  Every flag state is different, they all have different processes.  Do your research. Many don't issue PCC's but you still have to prove you tried to obtain one to DIBP.

    3.  All documents get sent to Canberra then it's your choice where you do orals.  Then general consensus on here is that all orals are conducted more or less the same.  Again, learn the syllabus and you'll be fine.

    4.  I did Masters orals, so not Junior as such but I'm sure all successful Junior candidates would say the same.  Study hard and learn the syllabus.  I worked solidly for 3 weeks for the orals prep and I was more than prepared.

    Hopefully that will help yourself and others.  It may seem all doom and gloom on the work front and it is to be honest!  But I don't regret moving over even if it was for only 6 months, I had the time of my life and hope to go back in the future.  But everyone should be prepared that even with the PR, you won't find work anytime soon.  It became scarily apparent very quickly how expensive it is to live there without work.

    One thing to add is CaptainC and CaptainR were extremely helpful in the process.  Their knowledge along with everyone else's is invaluable and it's all in this forum so spend time flicking through all the pages.

    All the best.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Lali said:

    Hi Adam,
    Thax for the reply, hope you get your visa soon. can u pls advise what did u upload when they asked for evidence of past employment . I mean, AMSA must have mentioned your experience on the skill assessment letter .
    In my case, I have uploaded employment contact , letters from my employers , discharge book with ships stamps , bank statements, intermittent payslip as I could not find most of them, tax return for last three years . I thinks should suffice the purpose . Moreover, I don't have anything else in addition if they ask for .

    I have been quite luck with PCC, Malta & Bahamas police were quite generous to provide me with PCC in 15 days.

    One more thing, did u upload your photos on immiaccount , I have not.
    I ready on other forums that some people have .


    Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz

    Yes AMSA stated I had over 10 years and I'd previously uploaded payslips, company letters, employment contracts, discharge book, everything you mentioned but they still wanted more.  I think I'm the end I uploaded all of my payslips.  

    I never uploaded any photos.

    Regarding the PCC's, I uploaded everything with the initial application including all PCC's I had and then the emails as evidence of me trying to obtain the rest.  They never mentioned it back in January, only recently they contacted me again for them.  So I'd say be prepared for them not to thoroughly check everything the first time as they might well come back and ask for more after the initial request for more docs.

    Hope that helps.

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, CaptainR said:

    It's hard to say Lali, although I would imagine that is it and you will just need to wait around 2-4 weeks for them to review the documents and hopefully will have the visa issued. 

    Lali, for me that wasn't the case.  I got asked for additional documents in January - more evidence of past employment.  I didn't hear anything until about a week ago when they asked for more - statutory declaration.  They needed that as I was unable to obtain PCC's from most flag states.  I did however previously send evidence of me trying to obtain them.  So my advice is to fill out the statutory declaration and send that before they ask for it, if you have any flag states that won't issue a PCC.  

    They have recently increased the wait time for 189 visas and it seems they take longer than the 28 + 28 days to process anything extra they ask for.

    • Like 2
  4. Hello Everyone ,

    At the outset let me thank you all for all the valuable information that is posted , it definitely helps in sorting out many of the migration issues for seafarers , I have submitted my documents to AMSA and am awaiting their call for the oral , I have been through the questions in the drop box however they seem more than a year old . Has anyone recently given a Masters orals? Would appreciate if the questions could be shared , thanks


    My orals paper should be on there from 2nd November in Sydney, although I can't get the dropbox to open. Maybe a problem with my browser. Best advice I can give is to use the syllabus. For my orals he went through every point on appendix 7, asking about each thing. Starting with listing every ship's certificate, validity and survey intervals. You will need to know all the Oz stuff inside out, OHS, Marine orders, Navigation Act etc, that was all in depth. Relate all your answers to Marine Orders where possible. I learnt the MO numbers and titles of each one off by heart which definitely helped. All the usual, MARPOL, MLC, STCW etc once he could see I knew, he stopped me. I got no rules or buoyage.


    This was just me though and examiners vary hugely.

  5. Good Day CaptainR and others,

    First off, I would like to thank CaptainR for this wonderful forum and the efforts you have put into compiling it.

    I had a query regarding the Qualification points when calculating the points for the PR process. I wanted to know if Ships Master Qualification would be considered as an equivalent to bachelors degree i.e. 15 points or would it be considered as a trade qualification i.e. 10 points.


    Thanks in advance


    Ship's Master is an "Advanced Diploma" worth 10 points.

  6. Dear Capt C  & Capt R


    Thank you for all the valuable information, I decided to go through the immigration process around March'16. I've submitted my documents through my agent and got an Email with my seafarer's ID. I've booked my orals in Sydney for January 5th and after i clear my orals I will submit my EOI immediately. ( Noted that they might cancel our profession on the Skilled list). I'm 26 years old with experience on Aframax tankers, product tankers and I've also cleared my mates and masters from UK. I'm basically from India & want to move to Australia in the hope of having better prospects, but I'm sure that's not possible in the current market scenario.What about studying an MBA? or doing a course in shipping logistics, chartering or becoming a broker? are there any jobs on the market after doing the same?


    Also, after getting my PR, how many months do i have to be in Australia.. or can i continue working from India with my Australian PR, finish my sea-time for masters, get my master ticket and then go and apply for jobs, hopefully in a better market at that time?


    I've only worked on Singapore and Hong Kong flag ships and will try and request their PCC's following the information from the threads.


    My company (Bernhard schulte) is willing to take me back, regardless of my PR. What are your views of the above?

    Thanks and hoping to hear from you.





    Bare in mind you can't submit the EOI until you have the skills assessment letter. After two weeks after I did the orals I didn't have it so phoned up and asked how long it would take. They said it can take up to 3 months. But having said that within a few days I then had the letter. So maybe the phone call helped.


    There's no time limit for when you have to be in Oz. Once you've got PR, you've got it for whenever. I've done much the same, I am continuing with my current employer. I was well aware long before I started this process about the poor state of shipping and it made no difference. I wanted to live in Oz and that's it. Yes I'll get hit with tax and no oz employment benefits but I didn't want to move to Oz to work here, I wanted to live here. I will still be better off than a lot of people here.


    Currently I've got my PR application in, uploaded all documents except medical as I am at sea and am now playing the waiting game. I am already living over here on a 1 year working holiday visa and it was the best decision my girlfriend and I made. If my PR doesn't get granted before my WHV expires then I will go onto a bridging visa.


    Despite all the doom and gloom on the work front in Oz that everyone is so happy to go on about, don't let that put you off moving down here. If you're still in employment elsewhere then it's perfectly doable.

  7. Afternoon All,


    I'm fairly new to the process and have just started getting company letters.


    Firstly thanks to everyone who has posted on this or the previous thread, particularly CaptainR and CaptainC. CaptainC has already been of invaluable help to me.


    Question for CaptainR . . . Did your wife have to do the IELTS? Can that count towards your points for your EOI? Did she have to meet the same 60 points separately from you?



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