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Posts posted by laurenday

  1. Hi everyone, 

    I am reaching out to any hairdressers who are considering the move to oz and looking for a sponsorship.

    I myself am English and been in Australia nearly 7 years now and had the opportunity to purchase my salon where I was originally sponsored! 

    If anyone is potentially interested, please get in touch! We are in desperate need of hairdressers here (Victoria) 

    Thanks, Lauren

  2. What salon are you at?
    I worked at blowbar shibumi! Loved all the girls there so much... i miss it!
    How comes its taken you so long to submit application?
    They have just increased the waiting time to 16 months for DE. Are you a member of the 186 visa forum too?

    I’m at Raw Edge in Belmont! Where are you at now?

    We were initially going to wait for the temporary transition stream, but when they changed all the rule for 457 visas we decided it would be best to go DE instead! So we had to find the money to pay for it! And skills assessment, migration fees etc and I have 2 children aswell so 4 if us on the application wasn’t cheap [emoji51]

    Oh that’s weird, on my immi account it was originally 15months estimated now it’s changed to 9-12month

    I’m not too bothered about waiting, I’ve still got 2 and a bit years left on my 457 and bridging visa granted

    No I don’t think I am, I’ll search now for it
    Thanks [emoji16]
  3. Aw thank you so much! Honestly we had never even heard of Geelong before, but when the job opportunity came up we couldn't turn it down. We had originally been looking at Perth as two of my brother in laws and their children are there, but the opportunities where slim for us. 
    Can i just ask what Prep is? Finding decent info with regards to schools and the policies with coming from over seas is something in struggling to find. I know they start the school years in January. (which works in my oldest ones favor as he is august baby, he is currently the youngest in his school!) Do you pay for their schooling when your are not a resident? (for a non private school)
    Would you say that two cars are 100% a must?
    Really glad to hear you love it so much, we are so, so excited but really nervous having not visited before! Luckily one of my other brother in laws in travelling oz at the moment and had a quick trip into Geelong whilst he was in Melbourne, He is also going to come back and meet us once we arrive, which I am so relieved about. 

    Geelong is honestly amazing, got the beach one way, Melbourne the other! We were really lucky we wanted to come to Geelong and I got offered a 457 (so similar to you!) we have just applied for our 186 to stay
    So prep is what I think of as our reception it’s there first year of actual school,
    Before this they do kinder - which is optional
    Yes, you pay school fees whether you are a resident or not, private or public
    My daughters August too!!
    It’s different to the UK for sure, but we adapted well and my girls honestly love here
    We went 8 weeks with one car between us, but as soon as my husband started work we didn’t have a choice but to get 2 cars,
    But Lara is still classed as ‘rural Geelong’ and I think the closer you are to Geelong city the public transport is much better!
    Yep, it’s nice to have a friendly face
    When you get here!
  4. Hello!

    I am looking for just some general advice and knowledge please! My partner and I are both 25, he has just managed to get in an application for a 457 visa before they get officially abolished. We will be moving to Geelong sometime this year (we are provisionally looking at August/September) but it just depends on how long the application takes to process.

    We will be moving with out two boys who will be 5 and 1 (very nearly 2). I'm really struggling to find good schools and areas to live in. My partner is a mechanic and will be working in Belmont, which in itself seems lovely and the schools seem to have good ratings. But just reading things written on google isn't giving me much reassurance. 

    Im just basically asking if anybody would really recommend any areas or schools. I've looked at places like Armstrong Creek, the houses seem really pretty, modern and new, but it seems very far away from everything? Id like to be able to walk to the majority of places and be within a nice little community. I've seen people post things like "Newtown is good for schools and a great place to live". But I'd like to know more, why is it so great? what is there? are there local shops and parks? coffee shops? supermarkets etc. 

    I just really need some advice on family life, areas to live, schools, etc. I'm having a huge wave of panic and feel totally out of my depth, we have only ever been to Perth before.

    Any advice or general stuff that anybody would like to share would be so so appreciated!!

    Hey! I don’t know how much help I will be but I’ll give it a go! Haha.. so we moved to Geelong in August 2016 from UK we are the other side to where you are currently looking though. I work in Belmont and live in Lara (25 mins commute) honestly I feel everything is ‘far away’ compared to the UK. There are many good schools here, I hear good things about the schools in Belmont, but also your oldest child might not even be going to school until the next school year (Jan 2019) when we left UK my daughter was due to start year 2 in England, and came here to prep! (She was 6) and my youngest daughter (currently 3) won’t start prep until Jan 2020, so also nearly 6. If you have any general questions I am More that happy to chat [emoji16]

    Also, me, my husband and kids LOVE it here, and haven’t looked back

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  5. I am a hairdresser. I advise be careful within ur migration agent. Mine did not submit all documents within lodged nomination, though I told him and provide every single documents. If u attach everything even 80 form, do medical. Better. It depends on migration agent reputation when they assigning CO. I think. Good luck. And it has been 3weeks while I paid step 2 fees. Still waiting for interview. Can u plz tell me the venue for that. 

    I’m using the same agent I used for my 457, they were amazing. Mine won’t submit without full documents.
    I agree, my agent advised for my 457 it would be 12 weeks, it was granted 12 weeks and 2 days, my agent followed up with immigration at exactly 12 weeks and 2 days later it was granted
    I have 100% faith in my migration agent

    I think they hold hairdressing interviews once a month, I originally had mine scheduled for September, but I ended up in hospital with appendicitis so had to reschedule last minute, I sat it in October. Ahh I can’t remember off the top of my head what the building was called it was in CBD though! Albert street rings a bell?
    I sat mine on the Monday, received positive outcome online on the Wednesday and certificate arrived Friday :)
  6. Oh. Really thanks. I am in Melbourne, I studied here certs III,  iv and diploma in salon management. I actually applied 186 trt as hairdresser in Melbourne. My file has not allocated from last 18 months. I am sick of waiting. I am going to apply 190 Canberra. Everything else is done just waiting to clear this skill assessment. If any questions u can write will help me. Thanks and good luck.  

    Yep, so The ones I can remember:

    What’s your day to day duties
    How do you start your day
    How do you set up for your day
    Name 3 hazards
    How would you avoid hazards
    How would you deal with a client complaint
    How would you record an accident

    Honestly it was just general questions; when she said my interview was finished I actually asked her why I wasn’t asked about hairdressing and she said because I have gone via pathway 2 I already have the certificate which counteracts the actual units!
    Oh wow 18months!!! I’m just about to submit my 186 application (currently on 457) and my migration agent said it takes approximately 10months!
    Can I just ask, have you applied as a ‘hairdresser’ or ‘manager’
  7. 1 hour ago, Heena12 said:

    Hi. I also cleared stage 1 of pathway 2 through vetassess. Now waiting for technical interview. How to revise those units I have nothing to prepare.

    Thanks Param. 

    Hi Param, I also went via pathway 2 in October, I’m assuming to already have your cert 3 Australian? 

    I sat my technical interview in Melbourne and I didn’t have to answer any of the questions in this post! If I remember correctly they only really asked me Day to Day management in the salon and health and safety questions, I was only in about 20 mins! I studied all the units of hairdressing again and didn’t need to! 

    Feel free to ask me some questions 


  8. Hi, just a quick update. Vetassess will accept my part time work converted eg my 6 years 16 hours can qualify for 2/3 years so taking that into account I have 5-6 years (yey) only down side is QLD will only accept 5 years full time work so we would only be eligible for NT.

    we are now looking at 457 visa sponsorship, that way we will be able to join grandparents in VIC. I just can't figure out whether I need the skills assessment for it! As far as I can see I don't, I've started my paperwork just in case but I'm currently waiting on a new passport!

  9. Yeah just a shame they will be in Vic and we won't lol.

    i will be getting in touch with some after the weekend and hopefully go from there, there is so many websites that say so many different things I think I could go on forever searching for myself it's took us a while to get this far.

    yeah I've read through the full post I think I'm going to have to brush up on my knowledge! I've just completed a barbering course though so I've already refreshed some theory, but thanks I'm sure I will be asking about vetassess soon (hopefully anyway)

  10. Yeah that's our next step at the minute I've got together a start on my paperwork for skills assessment but going to speak to a migration officer with all my questions, there's a few!

    Yes I have a husband but no skills he's a HGV driver and can easily find work in any area of oz so that's no issue to us personally but obviously he can't help towards the visa application

    yeah I went travelling for 3 months straight after finishing my apprenticeship then been over twice, 4 weeks at a time as my husbands grandma and grandad live in Victoria.

    Good luck with the 187

  11. hi, sorry to jump on your thread but im currently looking to move to Australia with my family, im also a hairdresser, would you be able to give me an idea on what you did for the skills assessment. my main issue is the financial/payslips. I have been employed as a stylist by my employer for 6 years, but I can only find 3 of my p60s. any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated by any one who has been through this.


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