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Posts posted by Helenodd

  1. Hi there

    my OH was made out of work twice in last 18 months in uK once expectedly and the first unexpectedly which was v tricky for him and us.

    only you know your finances but I'd say also use any contacts and also be confident and have a smile in your voice ( if that makes sense) when talking to recruiters. Don't be afraid to sell yourself and your clear resourcefulness by retraining which shows you can learn and teach others very well, so could learn new skills


    the areas in UK which are mentioned are indeed apparently in growth and cheaper housepricewise but it'll take a while and capital to relocate and find work if theses are new geographical areas won't it?


    feel your pain as very stressful but at least you can get out for therapeutic free walks runs etc! There'll be a job around the corner and suddenly you'll wish you'd filled your spare time in a different way....good Luck !

  2. Thanks again all


    we live in inner London nowhere quite as crowded bar HK etc


    i work I'm NhS nowadays far from easy and service sadly far from fit for purpose despite skilled caring staff...resources way too stretched



    Mum lived and taught in Aus and has a visa luckily


    DH was once totes on for it and has however I agree been passive aggressive in this compromise though he states as he believes we are strong enough ..



    all this stress making me quite physically ill and emotionally drained so need to just take a decision and move on



    very useful comments all of which has been discussed at different times with same negative for me outcome



    family always first and persuasion is ineffective.


    anyhow need to get better and get back to keep the job I have which I also live btw and get into festive cheers making


    enjoy Christmas all and I'll post update in due course

  3. Thanks for all responses tricky indeed . Relationship is very strong though obv this is testing. I would not even be considering it were it not for dd of late July when travel component of our visa expires therefore if not in Oz then need to start whole process again which would mean family as a whole not included.


    my drivers are overcrowding pollution health.my mum would come with ......hold backs are education kids 1 x happy 1 x not our and their friends family and familiarity


    it is now or never for the very practical reason that if we don't go now we won't be able to but looks likely to be probably never , big discussions needed , need to get on with Christmas shopping meantime and leave you all to do same .


    thanks each and everyone of you for ideas and insightful comments. Obviously it is up too all of us to create our own solutions but it is very useful to pre reflect on different experiences .


    seasons greetings

  4. Mine is a dilemma and a half and related to this post. We as a family have skilled sponsored visa 176 Victoria . I now have a job offer to start soon early 2016. The old man and kids are refusing to come but telling me to fulfill me dreams....like I can with them behind ...the kids are teenagers aged 14 and nearly 17 and OH has just landed well paid temp job to end Feb.


    ithought he meant me go ahead and they follow but oh no he is proposing we are strong enough for me to follow my dreams and them commute out so nothing changes for them at home.......feelings are complex anger annoyance disappointment ...just wanted to vent

  5. Thanks all for concerns. Obviously I can't MAKe my family go but am just highlighting ops to them And they are listening and considering options and reflecting. I have spent , like all parents, many years making sacrifices and will continue to do so of course for all their lives. I do think it is reassuring and concerning how much people feel they can delve deeper inti my families status and without knowing us ally with one side or the other. We are all pretty bright, self confident people with strong views and senses of values. My children of course feel they are happy but not a happy as a parent who knows them best, believes is a true positive happy. There is IB programme for older daughter and I wines toy think she'll be very very happy if and when we go. Our family needs a different environment for well founded and personal reasons which I won't go into. I wish you all well and ask thread now to end as we reflect and set things in place. Many Thanks all

  6. Daughter 16 son 13 all have friends but daughter transitioning and hubby's jiob ending end September just right time for us to fly . We will all regret it I am determined for us to give it a go and am clearing cupboards cooking lovely dinner as we correspond...wish me luck! Fear of change feeling settled and stubborn determination runs through all 3 ...it'll be the making of them down under :)

  7. I'm a very fine cook and can be very persuasive When I set my mind to it..;) .however am going more for a case presentation and time for all to reflect and reconvene approach......v hard to get us all together in one room at present everyone spinning their own plates and social and work lives. I'll post when we have firm conclusion best wishes

  8. Thanks Bungo you are quite the expert! On the contrary I have been informed that we have indefinite leave to stay on the 475 visa as long as we activate within the set duration ...I too queried it and was assured as long as we are there and are working away we have leave to stay ....I have double and triple checked as obviously no pint displacing us if the evicted .

  9. Erm yep thanks for that Starlight and our visa is regional state sponsored therefore we have linked it to Melbourne and are searching for our needs in terms of school work proximity to family there . Thanks for pointing that out though in case I wasn't aware ...fair point though for us area we are going to is very specific ....whilst also admittedly quite a large geographical spread

    best wishes

  10. Thanks all. Yes we have been on holiday and stayed with family and friends and yes saw that it was in fact more stressful for them juggling smae demands and more in Iz than us in London. Also they had less community. I am viewing it very much as use it or lose it and will never jeopardise my beloved family and their well being fear not, I am not a muppet! I just think it is an opportunity to have a 2 -3 year adventure and experience life in a different continent, travel within it, not sell up here and have poss to come back! They are more open to this idea. A lot will depend on OH job situ in next month .....over and put...thanks for comments much appreciated...mostly! :)

  11. Hi

    we have all held permanent residency visas for 4 years and need to relocate pre July 2016 to prevent expiry.

    we have family and friends in area to which our visas are linked ie Melbroune

    I am in discussions with prospective employers and now all 3 remaining family members are disinterested and don't want to go!

    Any tips for convincing them including hubby . We know benefits space, quality of life, new adventures elderly family living with us and yet they are all linked in vehement determination they are NOT GoINg .

    timings are perfect in terms of transition and if we don't use it we lose it

    sensible strategies v welcome

    Feeling worn down


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