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Posts posted by JJ1

  1. What is your time line?


    Application for visa and nomination submitted January 30; nomination approved May15 and additional documents requested. Police check from Canada had expired; submitted after long fingerprinting process June 18; visa approved October 8. nsw processing centre, team 2; Marketing Specialist; title Marketing Manager; one dependent child. Total time a long 250 days!!


    my advice on application have your MA if you have one provide screen shot of documents submitted on Immi account, and MAKE sure nothing is expiring for a long time on submission.


    Best of luck to everyone, and keep the hope alive, try to stay positive and don't let the wait ruin you. Enjoy oz it will come :) big hugs to everyone still waiting!!

  2. Again thank you everyone for your well wishes! I'll still be around from time to time so if there's any questions please feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer. :) But thank you thank you thank you!!!! :D Phew – what a journey!


    Confeatulations Dreylee so happy for you! I really hope it's next week long 8 months for me! I'm so happy for you I think this will be my week!! Xxx big hugs to you!

  3. I saw someone here more than 2months。。。。:wacko:


    For me I submitted docs back in May...still no decision but I've seen it be a matter of days and my agent said it should take a couple weeks...me I'm just fricken special I guess!!! Happy Friday everyone! Better luck next week for us, try to enjoy the long weekend and don't think about it. It will come :)xx

  4. Once we get the PR - lets not forget about this pathetic system and we should do something to raise voice against this non-transparent activity - I believe Immigration is only place where the customers who pay their hard earned huge money and receive ZERO customer service or acknowledgement about where we are. From my understanding, considering todays technology - there is no reason an application should take that much long. I understand back log etc. but this is not something that is not manageable. My Boss says - if Govt wants to raise money they impose it to the non-residents who doesn't have voting rights; for example - higher immigration application fees, spouse application fees added etc.


    Unfortunately, most of us after receiving PR - will forget about this pathetic pain!


    Ive been waiting over 8 months since my application and nomination submitted!! Come on Immi, still processing really

  5. Do you think Immi is giving out grants today?


    Hey everyone! It will be 8 months today since I applied for 186 Direct Entry stream. Low risk country. Extra documents requested May, submitted June.

    Dear Immi. Please process mine today...you did say 5-8 months...please please looking for words of encouragement today, prayers and happy thoughts from everyone. It has to be today right? :)

  6. I tried calling they won't tell me why the delay...only that it's within the 8 months. I had supplied criminal record check from Canada back in January but they requested it again as it had expired over processing time...I'm so frustrated I didn't relise that my Ma had forgot to attach employment contract until I changed agents...I think the only option now is to file a complaint with the department...

  7. Maybe I am in the similar situation, I am waiting for almost 8 months... My employer called Immi and get answer that the decision is expected be finalized by the end of this months, hope to have good news after so long waiting game.


    I guess we are in the same boat! I thought I was the only one waiting this long, I have to confess that I am a bit relieved that I'm not the only one. :(

  8. They requested additional docs twice from you? You're already well beyond the 6-8 months mark since you lodged, have you tried emailing them and ask for an update? I can understand your frustrations.


    They claim 8 months is the timeline as Sept 30 will have been 8 months!!! They ask for docs once however my MA forgot to attach my employment contract and they have since contacted my employer so we thought it may help things along if we attached a letter from my employer supporting my nomination. They say they are undergoing various checks that aren't due back till the 26th!? I just don't understand I am an upstanding Canadian citizen no criminal record, overqualified with degrees and a good person! The waiting is devastating...why me? I see everyone getting approvals from May and June... :( I had called emailed and since fired my current agent nothing seems to work...now apparently immi are on strike...please CO if your reading this please, please approve my application, I promise I will make a great Ozzie resident, and I love this country :)

  9. Jan 30 nomination and visa application submitted- nomination approved May 15 - request for additional documents May 15 - docs supplied June 18 - submitted employer letter supporting nomination Sept 16. Still waiting on approval...

    They keep telling me it's well within the 5-8 months allowed...but everyone else is approved on here applied way later than me it's truly been very difficult to understand why they didn't approve in June

  10. Have you been contacted by a CO? Can you include your timeline in your signature pls?


    Jan 30 nomination and visa application submitted- nomination approved May 15 - request for additional documents May 15 - docs supplied June 18 - submitted employer letter supporting nomination Sept 16. Still waiting on approval...

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