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Cherry Allen

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Everything posted by Cherry Allen

  1. Thanks to everyone who posted. I am the OP but for some reason I cant log in through Facebook any more so have had to set up an account on here, hence the different name. Certainly a lot to think about, I will be asking the education dept to 'convert' her National 5 results to see what the equivalent is.
  2. She hasnt a clue what she wants to do. TAFE doesnt seem to have much choice of courses. Everything is booked for us to return in November and there is nowhere here for her to stay so staying for Highers isnt an option, especially as she has now left school and been signed off as such. We live very rurally and that is the only place for miles around. So it seems then that she will just have to pick anything at TAFE to get the further education she needs, and then maybe aim for Uni or an apprenticeship once she knows what she wants to do. She is too old to do 2 years at high school in Aus no and the thought of trying to restart at high school fills her with dread. Thanks for the help parleycross and also srh82
  3. We are moving over to Perth in November. My youngest daughter was 17 last week and has just finished year 5 at high school in Scotland and has now left, she has her exam results (7 National 5 passes). Have had a look at TAFE courses over there but there doesnt seem a lot of choice of subjects. It would be hard for her to go 'back to school' just for one year and try to catch up with what they are doing in order to get further quaifications, and thats an option she feels uncomfortable about. University courses seem to need A level type of qualifications (National 5s are like GCSEs). Is there any other type of colleges or is TAFE the only option? Fees are not an issue as we are all Aus citizens. I have tried emailing various education departments but I either get no response or a vague response.
  4. Yes it would be less hassle but considering neither of us have any assets/property/money that is unlikely. His super is currently $28,000, and his bank account has £150 in it. He has no ability to get any more, and lives from day to day. He has already said if I dont take the super he will just leave it to rot as he cant be bothered to sort out any paperwork by himself. He thinks he will die before he is even retirement age due to poor health. Thanks everyone, looks like legal advice then, I will do that when I get to Australia as I doubt any legal person here will know the ins and outs of super, plus the super company would prefer the word of a 'local' legal person. And I guess the ex will have to just confirm it through a UK legal person then.
  5. Thanks No, we havent had legal advice and dont feel we require it. There is no assets or property or money to discuss, only the super. We get on well as friends, and the super has only 4 years worth of payments made into it, he has a UK pension worth about the same so it makes sense for me to have one and him have the other. He has no interest in the super at all. Neither of us want to pay for a solicitor to discuss just that matter. We arent in any rush for a divorce, but if we need to do that first to get the super transferred then we will do it, its just I am wondering if there is anything else that needs to be completed before the super company will accept the transfer request.
  6. Ah ok thanks, so am I better filing something (dont know what) when I get to Australia? Or does he need to do it, and if he does can he do it from the UK?
  7. Hope someone can help with this! Im an Australian citizen, currently in the UK but returning to Aus later this year. Husband is in the UK, is a UK citizen and an ex-permanent resident of Aus. We are separated, and will eventually divorce. He wants to transfer his super to me, as he has no intention of ever returning to Aus, he has found someone new and is suffering poor health. In return, I will not ask for anything else financially from him apart from child maintenance. This arrangement is good for both of us. I have tried googling for what I would need to do, but all transfer/split info on super applies to those in Aus. I have emailed his super but they keep sending info for withdrawing super (not applicable as he was PR). I would like to know what needs to be done before I leave the UK, as my husband is useless at phone calls/emailing etc and will require help. I know its a complex question but am asking in the hope someone might have had a similar situation. Thankyou
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