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Posts posted by jonnyj84

  1. Hi Stu,


    How you doing? I've been living in Sydney almost 4 months now - originally from Newcastle but spent the last 11 years in London. I've made a few mates already but can't hurt to have more!


    I know this thread has been going a long while but thought I'd say hey, if you ever fancy a drink or a group get together or anything like that hit me up!



  2. Hi All,


    I'm Jonny, 31 years old and originally from Newcastle but spent the past 12yrs in London. Got fed up of London so decided to pitch up here in Brissy! On a 417 WH visa but looking to continue my career in advertising and ideally get sponsorship. No job offer yet but I've gotten very close and made lots of great contacts. Absolutely love Brisbane - lots to do, friendly people, and these 'winters' are alright hehe!


    I've made a couple of friends and travelled here with my best friend but it'd be great to meet some new mates as well. I'm a big tennis fan, love watching football, and I enjoy anything if it involves a pint or to a lesser extent a schooner ;). I can pretty much chew the fat about anything though so if anyone feels like dropping me a reply or a PM then go for it :).





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