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Posts posted by Sanaya

  1. We werent married whn he applied for his PR.It was his own application but after 2 years i was added coz of my husbands change of status.They asked for our both medicals bit they only gave PR to him so thtsy i had to apply for spouse visa...i just want to know as my case is in process,had n interview,witness interview again asked to submit scanned copies of pasport id card polio certificate and medical is about to expire next month how much time it will take more? Does any1 have an idea?

  2. I applied online in firs week of november 2014.Had interview in mid of april 2015 same day case officer appointed.CO asked to submit some evidences on tht day.Got mail from AHC Islamabad in firs week of may tht they got the documents and standard processing time is 9 months and nex day my relatives were interviewed whom statements were given as witness and da same day CO email to again submit my Pasport ,Id card and Polio certificate as its not that clear.Till thn not heard from them anythng its been 15 days.Im so tensed as its been already 4 years to my marriage..las year in 2014 september my husband got PR and he applied my case in november.Please can anyone let me know how long to wait more?Im worried tht will they grant me or refuse.My medical is abou to expire nex month as i did it wid my husbands medical las june.

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