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Posts posted by chatterbox

  1. Moving to sunny Perth at end of Dec and start job end of Jan. I'm walking on air!


    Front loading means that you do your medical and police check before you submit your EOI. Only issue is that you get a year to validate your visa by flying into Oz based on the earlier of the police or medical check. In effect I only have 11 months instead of a year to validate. My skills assessment took nearly the standard 10 weeks. It was seven weeks between my application and grant dates. I was lucky to be invited after the first round so that cut down the time too :)

  2. Thanks everyone!


    Yes, did a Skype interview. It was weird but kinda got used to it after the first five minutes. I think it's quite common these days.


    It took 7 weeks and one day to get our visa. We front loaded our medicals, police check and form 80 so it was a direct grant. I'd recommend this strategy as I'd only just be getting a case officer at this point and be starting to apply for medicals etc (unless you need the full year to validate that is).


    Happy to help with other questions if anyone has any - I want to repay all the help I've received on here :)

  3. Hi,


    I am currently on maternity leave from my teaching post in the UK would this time count towards experience as I am still officially employed by the school or will it be discounted?


    Thanks x


    Hi Selina,


    I'm by no means an expert but my guess would be that it shouldn't be an issue as your maternity was surely paid leave, whereas that says "unpaid" leave?

  4. To make sure I am paid correctly linked to my experience I need to get a letter from my Head? What should be included in this letter?


    Hi Ben,


    For Perth state schools:


    To be considered, Statements of Service must be on official letterhead or, if via email, the sender’s email

    account must contain the official school/institution email domain (eg. det.wa.edu.au). Statements must also

    include the following information:

    • the exact dates for commencement and cessation of employment (eg. 30 January 2006 to

    18 December 2007);

    • job title;

    • work capacity for example full-time or part-time - must state work fraction (e.g. 70%);

    • if unpaid leave was taken, the exact duration of this leave must be stated;

    • if no unpaid leave was taken, the document must state this; and

    • employment status (e.g. permanent, fixed term or casual).


    From a document called "Recognition of prior service" which is always at the bottom of each job ad.


    Hope this helps.

  5. Hey,


    Just wondered if anyone else is feeling a bit disheartened with the whole teaching job hunt. We can't move over until I've got a job in place for financial reasons, but finding it really hard to even get to the interview stage. Has anyone sent their CV to a job agency to get some feedback? I'm secondary maths, looking for a post in Perth. I'm aware that this is the main job vacancy season, so all too aware that if I don't get something in the next few weeks I'll have potentially missed the boat for a whole year :(

  6. Hi janlo, thanks for your reply. In no way was I suggesting that UK teachers shouldn't have to seek approval to teach in Oz... I've already had my WATRB registration granted (george8181 - you're absolutely right, it wasn't a fun process at all). I was querying whether there was another form of registration which I've yet to learn about, perhaps along the lines of what george8181 has today referenced about the Department of Education. I understand that each state is different but I haven't heard of this for WA and was simply asking for clarification on here, as I consider you all to be such a fantastic source of knowledge. I have been teaching for over ten years and am head of large department, but still respect the fact that I have to prove my skills and experience to the country I hope to settle in...

  7. Hi,


    Quick question - can you apply for teaching posts while your visa is still being processed? My AITSL skills assessment probably won't be confirmed until end July. We intend to submit an EOI straight away and front load out police and medical checks, however I can't see our visa being granted until say start of October at the earliest. I'm getting the impression that posts being advertised to start in January will all have been allocated by then - am I right? Thanks.

  8. Hi everyone,


    Quick general question - do schools offer the option of interviewing for a permanent post by Skype? We're hoping that I'll secure a job before we fly out, but teaching full time in the UK means we can only plan a recce/visa validation/interview trip during the the UK school holidays and these dates don't seem to tie in with the main times for interviewing in Oz :(



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